Ottawa Citizen, October 28,
Ten Years After
by David Orchard
It's been ten years since the October 1987 midnight signature
on the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
The loud promises of "jobs, jobs, jobs," of greater prosperity
from increased trade, of better, richer social programmes, of unimpaired
Canadian sovereignty, stand revealed as a fraud. Since entering
the FTA Canada has experienced the longest period of sustained high
unemployment and the worst social and economic conditions since
the 1930s. 25% of Canada's
manufacturing base was wiped out in the first three years
of the FTA triggering a recession and a decade of cutbacks, slashing
of social programmes and deficit hysteria. The entire national infrastructure
from medicare to broadcasting to railways is under siege. As the
Economic Policy Institute of Washington in its recent review of
the FTA concluded: "Canada has been mired in recession since shortly
after entering into the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement... Canada
is essentially being forced to dismantle its social safety net while
increasing its unemployment rate. This lose-lose situation stems
directly from Canada's decision to merge its economy with that of
the United States and Mexico, which employ radically different social
and economic systems."
Prior to the FTA Canada's unemployment rate was for years roughly
equal to that of the U.S., sometimes lower; now it is twice the
U.S. rate.
Even more critically, the very existence of the Canada-U.S. border
grows more tenuous each day as we experience the increased Americanization
of all aspects of Canadian life. Conferences call on Canada to adopt
the U.S. dollar as the common currency for the North American free
trade zone and the Wall Street Journal sternly lectures Mexico to
do the same. CN, the great railroad that linked the nation together
and pioneered both public
broadcasting (now the CBC) and the national airline
(now Air Canada), was sacrificed on the altar of free trade. Sold
for half its value, it is now 70% U.S.-owned and busy selling off
parts of the rail network, built at public expense, to other U.S.
companies -- all the lines of northern Manitoba, including the port
of Churchill, plus two Saskatchewan lines, have been handed to Omnitrax
of Denver. Chicago is replacing Montreal and Toronto as the national
rail hub, cutting east-west links, turning them north-south. A wave
of U.S. takeovers, from pulp and paper to advertising agencies,
makes it increasingly impossible to "buy Canadian" in whole sectors
of the economy -- depriving French and English speaking Canadians
of national pride and a sense of country.
At the same time raw resources are being stripped out of the country
as if there were no tomorrow. Canada's oil and gas are being poured
in record volumes across the border for a fraction of their value
(the royalties on petroleum from the Alberta tar sands range from
0-1%, for example) while the West has only 6-10 years of drillable
oil left in the ground and, according to National Energy Board figures,
within 15 years Canada's entire known
reserves of natural gas will be extinct at the current
rate of extraction. Yet huge new pipeline proposals are underway,
or being planned, which will dramatically increase the over 50%
of Canada's natural gas already going south. (Under the FTA whatever
proportion of any good the U.S. is taking before a shortage occurs
it will continue to receive regardless of Canadian needs.)
Instead of getting out of the agreement they themselves (correctly)
called "the Sale of Canada Act," the Liberals kept the FTA, ratified
Brian Mulroney's NAFTA and now are quietly negotiating to extend
NAFTA's investment section into a large new agreement called the
Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI). All without any mandate
from the public, indeed a mandate Ð and a Red Book election promise
-- to do just the opposite. (The new MAI proposes to replace the
six month cancellation clause of NAFTA and the FTA with a 20 year
lock-in period and "phaseout" all laws and regulations which are
in "non-conformity" with NAFTA's investment chapter and the MAI.
Restrictions on the foreign ownership of Canada's
media, books, farmland, the existence of the Canadian Wheat Board
and medicare all fall in this category.)
John A. Macdonald derailed a move towards free trade with the
U.S. in 1891, calling it "sheer insanity" which would have "as its
inevitable result, annexation to the United States." In 1911, Robert
Borden defeated another Liberal/U.S. free trade proposal calling
it "the most momentous question ever submitted to the Canadian electorate."
More recently, John Diefenbaker urged Canadians to "take a clear
stand in opposition to economic continentalism" and the "baneful
effects of foreign ownership." John Turner described the FTA as
the "largest sell-out of our sovereignty since we became a nation."
Pierre Trudeau condemned it as a "monstrous swindle."
It is Brian Mulroney and his soulmate Jean Chretien (handing over
the powers of the national government to the provinces, the economy
to Washington) who are on the wrong side of Canadian history. Their
actions can, and must, be reversed for Canada to regain its sovereignty
and fulfill its destiny as a northern power marching to the beat
of its own drum.
David Orchard is the author
of The Fight for Canada - Four Centuries of Resistance to American
Expansionism and was runner-up to Joe Clark in the 1998 federal
Progressive Conservative leadership contest. He farms in Borden,
SK and can be reached at tel (306) 664-8443 or by e-mail at davidorchard@sasktel.net