Wednesday, May 27, 2009, 7 p.m.
Prairieland Park Building, Saskatoon Exhibitions
Grounds, Saskatoon, SK
David Orchard presents to
the Saskatchewan Uranium Development Hearings
Public consultations were being held across Saskatchewan, May 26 - July 31,
2009, to hear responses to
Capturing the Full Potential of the Uranium Value Chain in Saskatchewan,
a provincial government report which recommends the construction of a
Saskatchewan nuclear reactor and supports the burial of nuclear waste in that
province. For more information, go
David Orchard in B.C. May
3-11, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
7:30 p.m.
Vancouver Public Library, Central Branch
Alma VanDusen & Peter Kaye Room
350 West Georgia Street (Georgia & Hamilton)
Underground Parking. Stadium Skytrain station.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
7:30 p.m.
St. Matthias Church Hall
600 Richmond Avenue
Victoria, B.C.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
7:30 p.m.
Salt Spring Island Baptist Church
520 Lower Ganges Road
Salt Spring Island, B.C.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
7:30 p.m.
Day's Inn Harbourview
809 Island Hwy
Nanaimo, B.C.
For more information contact Rose-Marie Larsson tel 604-215-5580,

Two events with David Orchard in
Free, public events. Vanier College
is at 821 avenue Sainte-Croix, Saint-Laurent, PQ.
Click on the posters above for full-size versions. |
Monday, March 23, 2009, 7:30 p.m.
Vanier College, Auditorium (A-103)
821 avenue Sainte-Croix, Saint-Laurent, PQ
Unearthing the truth
Dr. Joe Schwarcz debates David Orchard
Is organic food better for you and for the environment? Are GMO's part of
the problem or part of the solution?
Dr. Joe Schwarcz is a well known science populariser, author, broadcaster.
David Orchard is an organic farmer, author, national political figure.
For more information please contact Lili Petrovic at
Tuesday, March 24, 2009, 12 noon
Vanier College, Auditorium (A-103)
821 avenue Sainte-Croix, Saint-Laurent, PQ
Humanitarian intervention challenged
Panel discussion commemorating NATO's 78-day bombing campaign of former
James Bissett, former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia
David Orchard, national best-selling author, environmentalist, farmer
and politician
Scott Taylor, publisher, author, war correspondent and ex-Canadian
Part of an all day conference:
8:30 a.m. Lili Petrovic, "The decriminalization of agression"
10:00 a.m. Film, "Kosovo: can you imagine?" with director, Boris Malagurski
12 noon Panel discussion with James Bissett, David Orchard and Scott Taylor
2:30 p.m. Film, "Yugoslavia: the avoidable war," with director George
For more information please contact Lili Petrovic at

Wednesday, May 14 and Thursday, 15, 2008
4:00, 7:00pm.
The Ridge Theatre
3131 Arbutus Street (Arbutus and West 15th Ave.)
Vancouver, B.C.
The Myth of Free Trade
A film by Bill Dunn and Linda West
$12 evening, $9 matinee
$8 youth (14-17) and students with valid ID
$7 seniors and children
The U.S. Democratic presidential nomination race has put the North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) back into the political discourse with both
Barrack Obama and Hilary Clinton promising to renegotiate the agreement, if
elected president.
What is NAFTA? If it's true that Americans are unhappy with it, what about
Canadians? Is this "trade agreement" good for Canada, as our government is
telling us? What are the critics saying? Is NAFTA forcing Canada into closer
integration with the U.S. and what does that mean?
Next week in Vancouver (May 14-15), The Ridge is screening Hoodwinked:
the Myth of Free Trade, a film by Canadian film makers Bill Dunn and
Linda West, that attempts to answer those questions and more. Using seldom
seen archival material the film presents Canada's 400-year history and
examines the relationship with its powerful neighbour leading up to the
signing of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in 1989 and NAFTA in
1993. The film is narrated by historian and former Senator Laurier
Lapierre and explores the issues raised by the agreements in interviews
with former Prime Minister John Turner; sociologist Peter Urmetzer;
Canada Research Chair for Social Justice and critic of neo-conservatism
Shadia Drury; political economist and author Stephen Clarkson;
economist Jim Stanford; David Orchard, farmer, politician and
author of The Fight for Canada — Four Centuries of Resistance to American
Expansionism; and the late Dalton Camp, writer and former
strategist for the Progressive Conservative Party.
This film is an excellent introduction to what "free trade" with the U.S.
means for Canada — please pass the word!

Tuesday, April 18, 2008 1 p.m.
Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST)
Woodland Campus, 1100 – 15th Street East, Prince Albert, SK
"Renewable energy, sustainable resources, and trade"
David Orchard speaks to the 5th Annual Resource Issues In Saskatchewan
Conference: The Future of Our Natural Resources

Thursday, April 10, 2008 7:00 p.m.
Public forum on Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence: "The New
World Order — International Law Need Not Apply"
Speakers: James Bissett, former
Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia; David Orchard, author, farmer, politician;
Scott Taylor, author, journalist, editor-in-chief of
Esprit de Corps Magazine
Education Building North, Room ED N2 115 (between 112-114 street, on 87
University of Alberta, Edmonton
"The United Nations incorporated the principles of territorial integrity and
state sovereignty into the United Nations Charter. The Helsinki Final Act of
1975 reinforced the U.N. declaration by adding to them the principle of the
inviolability of borders. These are fundamental principles with universal
application. They cannot be set aside because of special cases or because they
present an obstacle to the policy objectives of economically powerful nations."
All welcome, free admission.
To hear David Orchard's remarks on Kosovo's unilateral declaration of
separation made at a demonstration in Toronto, March 1, 2008
go here.
To read his articles on the NATO/U.S. bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 go to "Canada
at War", "Humanitarian
bombing" and "Globalism's
first victim."

Sunday, March 30, 2008, 12:44 p.m.
David Orchard speaks to a demonstration about Kosovo's unilateral declaration
of separation
Phillips Square (corner of Saint-Catherine and Union), Montréal, PQ
David Orchard is speaking along with author and economist Michel Chossudovsky
and Québec-Serbian novelist and playwright Negovan Rajic. Statements of support
will be read from General Lewis Mackenzie; Canada's former ambassador to
Yugoslavia, James Bissett; author and professor of criminal law, Michael Mandel;
and City University, New York City, professor of European history, Barry Lituchy.
To hear David Orchard's remarks on Kosovo's unilateral declaration of
separation made at a demonstration in Toronto, March 1, 2008
go here.
To read his articles on the NATO/U.S. bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 go to "Canada
at War", "Humanitarian
bombing" and "Globalism's
first victim."

Sunday, March 1, 2008 Toronto
Orchard speaks to demonstration on Kosovo's unilateral declaration of separation
To read his articles on the NATO/U.S. bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 go to
at War", "Humanitarian
bombing" and "Globalism's
first victim."

Friday, November 23 - Sunday, November 25, 2007
Indian and Metis Friendship Centre
168 Wall Street, Saskatoon, SK
"Making Canada Inclusive and Safe"
A conference sponsored by the Saskatchewan Intercultural Association
For full conference programme see
Sunday, November 25, 2007, 11 a.m.
Panel discussion with David Orchard, Liberal MP Andrew Telegdi, Kateri Pino and
Joseph Garcia:
"Roles and Responsibilities in Making Canada Inclusive and Safe."
Registration fee:
Adult, incl. Friday banquet $60; conference only $35
Youth/Underemployed, incl. Friday banquet $30; conference only $10
For more information please contact Mahasti Khakpour tel 306-978-1818, e-mail
Sunday, October 14, 2007, 8:30 a.m. PT
David Orchard on CFAX Radio's "Public Eye" with talk show host Sean Holman
1070 AM on the dial in Victoria and southern Vancouver Island, or
listen live on-line.
Sunday, July 1, 2007, 2 p.m.
Canada Day salmon barbecue with David Orchard in Vancouver
Scandinavian Cultural Centre
6540 Thomas Street, Burnaby, B.C.
(just off the Trans-Canada Hwy at Kensington and Sprott , see
David Orchard will be in Vancouver on Canada Day, July 1, 2007 to meet with
friends and supporters and celebrate the day with a salmon barbecue at the
Scandinavian Cultural Centre in Burnaby. All are welcome to attend this now
traditional David Orchard event in Vancouver, to meet with and hear David speak
on the issues facing Canada today, and celebrate our country with some west
coast wild salmon and home cooked food.
Tickets for the barbecue are $20 (children under 12 are free). To reserve,
please call or e-mail Rose-Marie Larsson at tel 604-215-5580,
or purchase with a credit card
Winnipeg, Sunday, June 17, 2007
7 p.m. (doors open at 6:15 p.m.)
The Park Theatre, 698 Osborne Street
Screening of "Hoodwinked: the Myth of Free Trade"
A film by Bill Dunn and Linda West
Followed by a discussion led by David Orchard
Tickets: $10 or Pay What You Can (PWYC), available at the door. For more information call 306-664-8443
or toll free 1-877-937-8263, or
More dates are in the works — please check back for details!
Rich in seldom seen archival material covering Canada's 400-year history,
Hoodwinked: The Myth of Free Trade is narrated by historian and former
Senator Laurier LaPierre. It features interviews with former Prime
Minister, The Rt. Hon. John Turner, sociologist Peter Urmetzer,
Canada Research Chair for Social Justice and critic of neo-conservatism
Shadia Drury, political economist Stephen Clarkson, economist Jim
Stanford, David Orchard, author of The Fight for Canada -- Four
Centuries of Resistance to American Expansionism, and the late Dalton
Camp, writer and former strategist for the PC Party. To read more about the
film, Bill Dunn and Linda West, and to download a poster please go to
Saturday, June 16, 2007
12:30 p.m.
Manitoba Legislature, Winnipeg
Peace Alliance Winnipeg, Annual Walk for Peace
David Orchard, guest speaker: "Why is Canada in Afghanistan?"
Saturday, June 16, 2007
7 p.m.
Winnipeg Press Club, 331 Smith Street
Ramada Marlborough Hotel, Lower Level
David Orchard speaks on "Illegal Wars, Illegal Weapons: Vietnam
to Afghanistan"
Full question and answer period. All welcome. Admission: $5/$2 students
Organized by the
Peace Alliance Winnipeg
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
11:15 am (please note time change)
Radisson Hotel, Room Michelangelo B
405 20th St East, Saskatoon, SK
David Orchard presents to the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly's
Standing Committee on the Economy hearing on the Agreement on Internal
Trade (AIT) and the Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA).
This is a public event open to all, part of two weeks of public hearings held in
Regina, June 4-8, 2007, and Saskatoon, June 11-15, 2007.
For more information, a list of speakers and to listen live go
here (click on "listen
live"). Previous hearings – and tomorrow's after its conclusion – are available
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
8:05 a.m. MB time
University of Winnipeg Radio, CKUW 95.9 FM, "The Beat" with Kent Davies
1/2 hour interview with David Orchard
Listen live
Saskatoon, Sunday, June 3, 2007
2 p.m. (doors open at 1:30 p.m.)
Broadway Theatre, 715 Broadway Avenue
Saturday, May 12, 2007
11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Arts Building Room 241, Whitby-Timlin Theatre
University of Saskatchewan Campus, Saskatoon
Shortline Railways: A Solution for Future Transport Needs
A symposium on the abandonment of CNR and CPR rail lines and the potential for
shortline rail operations as an alternative sponsored by Transport 2000 Canada
(Prairie Region). For more information contact Martin Wooldridge, President, tel
Bernie Churko - Farmer, former General Manager of Prairie Farmer Rail
Car Coalition
Roger Gadd - General Manager, Great Western Railway
Rod Haugerud - Mayor of Craik, SK
Lee Jebb - Cando Contracting
Elmer Laird - Farmer/Activist
Dave Marit - SARM President
Don Mitchell - Federal NDP Candidate, Pallister
David Orchard - Farmer/Activist
Peter Prebble - Saskatchewan NDP MLA, Saskatoon Greystone
Terry Pugh - National Farmers Union
Ed Zsombor - Dep. of Highways/Transportation Rail Services
Saturday, May 5, 2007, 7:00 pm
(doors open at 6:30)
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. Room H - 531 (Hall Building)
Montreal, PQ
Hoodwinked: the Myth of Free Trade
A film by Bill Dunn and Linda West
Guest speaker: David Orchard
Tickets: $10, available at the door. For more information call toll free
1-877-937-8263 or 514-484-2589,
Rich in seldom seen archival material covering Canada's 400-year history,
Hoodwinked: The Myth of Free Trade is narrated by historian and former
Senator Laurier LaPierre. It features interviews with former Prime
Minister, The Rt. Hon. John Turner, sociologist Peter Urmetzer,
Canada Research Chair for Social Justice and critic of neo-conservatism
Shadia Drury, political economist Stephen Clarkson, economist Jim
Stanford, David Orchard, author of The Fight for Canada -- Four
Centuries of Resistance to American Expansionism, and the late Dalton
Camp, writer and former strategist for the PC Party. To read more about the
film, Bill Dunn and Linda West, and to download poster please go to
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
2 p.m.
Howard Staff Farms, St., Catharines, ON
Speech by David Orchard to local farmers and residents at the
invitation of Heather Carter, federal Liberal Candidate for Niagara West-Glanbrook.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
11 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Sarnia, ON
11 a.m. Press conference with former federal Agriculture
Minister, The Hon. Ralph Ferguson, Tim Fugard, federal Liberal
Candidate for Sarnia-Lambton, and David Orchard on the threat to supply
management and the imports into Canada of untested, inadequately and
misleadingly labelled food products; held at the farm home of Ralph and Dolores
Ferguson, Sarnia.
12 noon - 6 p.m. Tour of Sarnia-Lambton with Tim Fugard: visit to
local farms, including a stop by the Orchard ancestral 1870 homestead; tour of
the Sarnia oil refinery district; visit to the Sarnia Occupational Health Clinic
for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) and meeting with Executive Director, Dr. James
Brophy and Dr. Jim Mackenzie regarding the alarming cancer rates in
the Sarnia-Lambton area.
6 p.m. Dinnerwith David Orchardas guest speaker, the Brigantine
Restaurant, Sarnia. Sponsored by Tim Fugard, federal Liberal
Candidate for Sarnia-Lambton.

Monday, April 30, 2007, 7:30 pm
(doors open at 7:00 pm)
Innis Town Hall, University of Toronto
2 Sussex Drive, Toronto
(1 block south of Bloor St & St. George. Pay parking on Sussex, St. George
and campus lots. Short walk from subway at Bloor & St. George. Wheelchair
Hoodwinked: the Myth of Free Trade
A film by Bill Dunn and Linda West
Guest speaker: David Orchard
Tickets: $10, available at the door. For more information call toll free
1-877-937-8263 or 416-778-7027,
Rich in seldom seen archival material covering Canada's 400-year history,
Hoodwinked: The Myth of Free Trade is narrated by historian and former
Senator Laurier LaPierre. It features interviews with former Prime
Minister, The Rt. Hon. John Turner, sociologist Peter Urmetzer,
Canada Research Chair for Social Justice and critic of neo-conservatism
Shadia Drury, political economist Stephen Clarkson, economist Jim
Stanford, David Orchard, author of The Fight for Canada -- Four
Centuries of Resistance to American Expansionism, and the late Dalton
Camp, writer and former strategist for the PC Party. To read more about the
film, Bill Dunn and Linda West, and to download poster please go to
Saskatoon, Thursday, March 22, 2007
Stéphane Dion speaks out for the Western farmer
In his first major public meeting in Saskatoon since winning the leadership
of the Liberal Party of Canada Stéphane Dion will reply to Stephen Harper's
ongoing attack on prairie farmers and the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB).
Date: Sunday, April 1, 2007
Time: 2 p.m.
Place: Bessborough Hotel (Battleford Room)
601 Spadina Crescent E.
Over the past decade and a half, the Canadian Wheat Board has endured a dozen
trade challenges from the U.S. industry seeking — unsuccessfully — its demise.
Now, Stephen Harper and his government have joined in. For months, the Harper
administration has been attacking, undermining and threatening to destroy the
power of the Canadian Wheat Board.
According to Saskatoon-Wanuskewin Conservative MP Maurice Vellacott:
"The Canadian Wheat Board is the last bastion of socialist thought in western
Canada. It is the only instrument remaining that owes its birthright to the
Regina Manifesto and remains an instrument of eastern domination of western
agriculture." (Letter
from M. Vellacott, Farmers for Justice)
- The Canadian Wheat Board was introduced by a Conservative
government, that of R.B. Bennett, in response to farmers' demands for an end
to exploitation by the large grain companies.
- Starting from zero in the 1930s, the Canadian Wheat Board has grown to
become the largest marketer of wheat and barley in the world.
- The CWB is one of Canada's largest earners of foreign currency and has a
reputation as the world's most prestigious marketing board. This
international respect puts dollars in western pockets.
- Based in Winnipeg, the CWB is a multi-billion dollar Canadian success
story that gives the western farmer some clout.
Since its inception, for seven decades, the Canadian Wheat Board has been
supported by every Canadian government. Until now.
If the Wheat Board is destroyed, as the Harper government intends, control of
Canadian grain marketing will quickly move from the hands of Canadian farmers to
those of the giant American grain companies. The east-west transportation links,
built by Canadians, and the big grain terminals in ports from Prince Rupert to
Quebec City, including Churchill, our only prairie seaport, will be crippled.
The direct out of pocket cost to western farmers will be hundreds of millions of
dollars each year.
Don't miss this chance to hear Stéphane Dion take on Stephen Harper on
behalf of the west. Bring your friends, one and all!
For further information, contact: Saskatchewan Liberal Association, tel
306-522-8507, and/or David Orchard at 306-652-7095 or
Saturday, March 17, 2007 9 am to 3 pm
St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan
1437 College Drive, Saskatoon, SK, see exact location and parking at
"Stop aggression!" Teach-in with Michael Mandel, David
Orchard and others
Pan-Canadian day of action for peace on the fourth anniversary of the invasion
of Iraq
Keynote speaker: writer and activist, Professor Michael Mandel,
Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, author of
How America Gets Away With Murder: Illegal Wars, Collateral Damage and Crimes
Against Humanity
Workshops: "The War
between Israel and Palestine" with Michael Mandel; "Illegal wars, illegal
weapons: Vietnam to Afghanistan" with David Orchard; "How aggression destroys
peacekeeping" with John Perry; "Depleted Uranium: the Saskatchewan Connection"
with Marion Penna, Inter-Church Uranium Committee; "Propaganda: A Must See" with
film maker Mike Fornssler
$10 (fully waged) or $5 (students, seniors, low income). Bring your own
Co-sponsored by Saskatoon Peace Coalition; United Nations Association of
Canada – Saskatoon; St. Thomas More College Campus Ministry, and Citizens
Concerned About Free Trade. For more information please call 306-653-5636 or
Wednesday, January 31, 2007, 7:00 pm
(doors open at 6:30)
National Library Auditorium
395 Wellington St. Ottawa
Hoodwinked: the Myth of Free Trade
A film by Bill Dunn and Linda West
Guest speaker: David Orchard
Tickets $8.00 available at the door. Free parking. For more information
please contact Grant Orchard at tel 1-877-937-8263,
Rich in seldom seen archival material covering Canada's 400-year history,
Hoodwinked: The Myth of Free Trade is narrated by historian and former
Senator Laurier LaPierre. It features interviews with former Prime
Minister John Turner, sociologist Peter Urmetzer, Canada Research
Chair for Social Justice and critic of neo-conservatism Shadia Drury,
political economists Stephen Clarkson and Jim Stanford, farmer and
author David Orchard, and the late Dalton Camp, writer and
strategist for the Progressive Conservative Party. For more information please
Friday, November 24, 2006, 11:30 am
David Orchard speaks to the Laurier Liberal Ladies Club:
"Future directions for Canada and the Liberal Party"
Howard Johnson Restaurant
89 Meadowvale Drive
St. Catharines, ON
(Access from the service road just north of the
QEW overpass off Lake Street)
All welcome. To reserve tickets, $20, please call Louise Mitchell at tel
Sunday, June 4, 2006 1:30 p.m.
Fifth Avenue Cinemas
2110 Burrard St. Vancouver, B.C.
Hoodwinked: the Myth of Free Trade
A film by Bill Dunn and Linda West
Guest speaker: David Orchard, author of The Fight for Canada – Four
Centuries of Resistance to American Expansionism
Rich in seldom seen archival material
covering Canada's 400-year history, Hoodwinked: The Myth of Free Trade is
narrated by historian and former Senator
Laurier LaPierre. It features interviews with former Prime Minister, The
Rt. Hon. John Turner, sociologist Peter Urmetzer, Canada Research
Chair for
Social Justice and critic of neo-conservatism Shadia Drury, political
economist Stephen Clarkson, economist Jim Stanford, David
Orchard, author of
The Fight for Canada – Four Centuries of Resistance to American Expansionism,
and the late Dalton Camp, writer and former strategist for the PC Party.
Camp, Clarkson, Drury, Orchard, Turner,
Stanford and Urmetzer offer potent and inspired ideas about how we can protect
and preserve the Canadian
way, resist Americanization, and remain strong in the face of neo-conservative
Author, farmer, twice contender for the
leadership of the Progressive Conservative party, now member of the Liberal
party, David Orchard will speak immediately following the screening about the
"myth" and what to do about it. A question and answer period follows. Tickets
Screenings of Hoodwinked with
David Orchard as guest speaker are being planned for cities across Canada –
watch this page for soon-to-be-announced dates!
Friday, January 27, 2006, 7-9:30 pm
Thornbrough Auditorium (next to University Centre)
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON
The Guelph Public Forum: "Organic food and energy challenges... the next 25
Panel discussion with David Orchard; David Pimentel, Cornell University, NY,
researcher on sustainable agriculture and energy; Judith Plant, BC publisher of
alternative political and ecological books, and Helge Hellberg, Marin County, CA
activist for ecological change. Moderator: Tomás Nimmo, Guelph Organic
Conference Manager
This forum is part of the
25th Annual Guelph
Organic Conference, January 26-29, 2006. Full question period. All welcome.
$10 admission. For more information please contact tel 705-444-0923 e-mail: