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Rules and Procedures for Delegate Selection Meetings (November 29 - December 2, 2003) for a Special Meeting of Members to be held December 6, 20031. MEETINGS AND NOTICE1.1 Delegate Selection Meetings for all constituency associations, youth associations, campus clubs and affiliated organizations shall be held no earlier than Saturday, November 29 and no later than Tuesday, December 2, 2003. 1.2 Delegate Selection Meetings being held on November 29 or November 30, 2003 shall be scheduled to commence no earlier than 10:00 and no later than 20:00 local time. Delegate Selection Meetings being held on December 1 or December 2, 2003 shall be scheduled to commence no earlier than 18:00 and no later than 20:00 local time. 1.3 At least fourteen (14) days prior to the holding of a Delegate Selection Meeting, the membership secretary or his/her designate, of a constituency association, youth association, campus club or affiliated organization, or the Secretary of the Party if so designated by the National Meeting Organizing Committee, shall mail or email, to all Members of record, notice as to the date, time, and location of the Delegate Selection Meeting. 1.4 At least fourteen (14) days prior to the holding of a Delegate Selection Meeting, the membership secretary or his/her designate, of a constituency association, youth association, campus club or affiliated organization shall send notice of the date, time, and location of the Delegate Selection Meeting to the National Director c/o The Special Meeting Office 806-141 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J3, by facsimile transmission at: 613.238.7073 or by email at: rduncan@pcparty.ca. 2. MEMBERSHIP2.1 Every person is eligible for membership in the Party through a constituency association or youth association in the constituency in which that person maintains his or her principal residence, through a constituency association in which the member sits on the executive, or through a campus club or affiliated organization. 2.2 The fee for membership in the PC Party of Canada is $10.00 (adult) and $5.00 (youth). 2.3 Any person attending a Delegate Selection Meeting of a constituency association, youth association, campus club or affiliated organization must be a Member of the Party in good standing, through that constituency association, youth association, campus club or affiliated organization, at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Delegate Selection Meeting in order to be eligible to exercise his/her right to vote at the meeting except that any person who was a Member of the Party in 2002 shall be entitled to renew that membership prior to the commencement of voting for delegate selection at the Delegate Selection Meeting and shall be entitled to vote thereat. 2.4 Seven (7) days prior to a Delegate Selection Meeting of a constituency association, youth association, campus club or affiliated organization, the National Director shall certify the membership list and shall remit the certified membership list to the president or membership secretary of the constituency association, youth association, campus club or affiliated organization. 2.5 For the purpose of identification of Members who are eligible to vote at the Delegate Selection Meeting of any constituency association, youth association, campus club or affiliated organization, Members shall present two (2) forms of identification that together prove, to the satisfaction of the executive or their designate, the Member's identity, place of residence and, where deemed to be required, age. 2.6 For the purposes of Article 2.5, the following are deemed to be acceptable forms of identification: 2.6.1 driver’s license; 2.6.2 property tax bill; 2.6.3 utility bill; 2.6.4 automobile insurance pink card; 2.6.5 Passport; 2.6.6 Social Insurance Card; 2.6.7 Birth Certificate; 2.6.8 Certificate of Citizenship; 2.6.9 Student Registration card; 2.6.10 Health Insurance Card; 2.6.11 Permanent Residence Card; and, 2.6.12 any other form of identification which may be deemed acceptable by the Chair of the Delegate Selection Meeting. 3. DELEGATES3.1 In order to be eligible to stand for election as a delegate candidate at a Delegate Selection Meeting, an individual must be a Member of the Party through the constituency association, youth association, campus club or affiliated organization at which they are standing for election as a delegate at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Delegate Selection Meeting or have been a Member of the Party in 2002 and renew their membership prior to the commencement of the Delegate Selection Meeting. 3.2 Delegates entitled to vote at the Special Meeting of Members to be held on 06 December 2003 ("Special Meeting of Members") shall be: 3.2.1 Six (6) delegates from each constituency association who are elected by the general membership of the constituency association; 3.2.2 Two (2) delegates from each youth constituency association which has been so recognized as of November 12, 2003 or, if no such youth constituency association exists in a constituency, two (2) delegates elected by the general membership of the constituency association who are between the ages of fourteen (14) years and twenty-five (25) years inclusive as of the date of the Delegate Selection Meeting; 3.2.3 Three (3) delegates to be elected by each campus club which has been so recognized as of November 12, 2003; and, 3.2.4 Two (2) delegates to be elected by each affiliated organization, which has been so recognized as of November 12, 2003. 3.3 In addition to the delegates elected pursuant to Article 3.2, the following persons, provided they are Members of the Party, and in their personal capacity only, without the right to designate an alternate representative for delegate status, shall be entitled to vote at the Special Meeting of Members: 3.3.1 the Leader of the Party; 3.3.2 Members of the National Council, provided that, with respect to presidents of constituency associations, the person entitled to vote at the special meeting of Members shall be the president of the constituency association as at the close of the Delegate Selection Meeting for that constituency association; 3.3.3 elected Members of the House of Commons representing the Party; 3.3.4 members of the Senate representing the Party; 3.3.5 Progressive Conservative Privy Councilors; 3.3.6 official candidates of the Party for each federal electoral district in the preceding federal election or the then current nominated Party candidate for each such electoral district; 3.3.7 past Progressive Conservative Members of the House of Commons and Senate; 3.3.8 elected Progressive Conservative Members of a Provincial or Territorial Legislature; 3.3.9 past leaders of the Party and leaders and past leaders of recognized provincial and territorial Progressive Conservative Parties; 3.3.10 past Presidents of the Party; and, 3.3.11 members of the Board of Directors of the PC Canada Fund as appointed by the Chair of the PC Canada Fund, to a maximum of twenty-eight (28) and provided that there is at least one representative from each province and territory who is resident in such province or territory. 4. ALTERNATES4.1 Each constituency association shall be entitled to elect two (2) alternate delegates who are elected by the general membership of the constituency association and who shall be ranked as to their alternate status according to the plurality of votes received. 4.2 Each youth constituency association which has been so recognized as of November 12, 2003 shall be entitled to elect one (1) alternate delegate or, if no such youth constituency association exists in a constituency, the general membership of the constituency association shall be entitled to elect one (1) alternate delegate who is between the ages of fourteen (14) years and twenty-five (25) years inclusive as of the date of the Delegate Selection Meeting. 4.3 Each campus club which has been so recognized as of November 12, 2003, shall be entitled to elect one (1) alternate delegate. 4.4 Each affiliated organization, which has been so recognized as of November 12, 2003, shall be entitled to elect one (1) alternate delegate. 5. DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE SELECTION5.1 For the purposes of selecting delegates and alternate delegates, the president, or his/her designate, of the constituency association, youth association, campus club, or affiliated organization or, in the case of the absence, refusal or inability of the president or his/her designate, such other Member of the constituency association, youth association, campus club or affiliated organization as may be designated by the Secretary of the Party, shall chair the meeting. 5.2 The selection of delegates and alternate delegates at a Delegate Selection Meeting shall be carried out as follows: 5.2.1 the vote shall be by secret ballot; 5.2.2 the vote for the selection of delegates shall be conducted first; and, 5.2.3 the vote for the selection of alternate delegates shall be conducted following the election of delegates. 6. CERTIFICATION6.1 Within twenty-four (24) hours after the close of a Delegate Selection Meeting, and in any case by no later than 23:59 EST on December 3, 2003, all Certificates of Delegate and Alternate Status for constituency associations, youth constituency associations, campus clubs and affiliated organizations must be completed, signed by the president or secretary or Chair of the Delegate Selection Meeting of the constituency association, youth constituency association, campus club or affiliated organization, and submitted to the National Director c/o The Special Meeting Office by facsimile transmission at (613) 238-7073 or in person at PC Party Headquarters, 141 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 806, Ottawa Ontario, K1P 5J3. 7. PROTESTS AND APPEALS7.1 Any protest resulting from the delegate selection process prior to or at any association/organization Delegate Selection Meeting must: 7.1.1 be received by the one of the Co-Chairs of the National Meeting Organizing Committee, through the National Director at Party Headquarters, within twenty-four (24) hours of the date and time the meeting adjourned, but in any case by no later than 23:59 EST on December 3, 2003; 7.1.2 be signed by ten (10) Members of the association/organization; and, 7.1.3 set out in detail the nature of the protest and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all persons who are parties to the protest. 7.2 The Co-Chairs of the National Meeting Organizing Committee, on receipt of any protest, shall immediately refer such protest to the Arbitration Committee of the Party for reference to a panel of the Arbitration Committee for consideration and decision. The decision of any such panel is final and binding on all parties to the protest and is not subject to appeal or review on any grounds. 8. GENERAL8.1 In exceptional circumstances, on a case by case basis, the National Meeting Organization Committee has the authority to alter, extend, abridge or suspend the time periods provided for in these Rules and Procedures. 8.2 The Constitution of the PC Party of Canada governs the affairs of the Party and, in the event of any conflict between the Constitution and any constitutional document of any constituency association, affiliated organization, youth association or the PCYF, the Constitution shall prevail. |