National Post, Saturday, April 5, 2008
Liberals: Writer was never a Grit riding president
Re: Liberals Should Know Better, Marcel Head, April
Many elements of Marcel Head's oped article could be
disputed, debated and revisited; this however is not the
place for such an exercise. What must be immediately
clarified is this individual's role within the Liberal
Party of Canada.
Simply stated, Mr. Head is not, nor has he ever been,
the riding association president for
Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River constituency. Any
statement to the contrary -- including that claim in
this column's opening sentence -- is misleading and
The Saskatchewan Liberal Election Readiness
Committee, along with the Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill
River riding association, lead by its duly elected
president, Cheryl Maurice, are currently guiding the
party through a new nomination process. Given that Mr.
Head has no official role within the party, he will have
no official role in this process.
Frank Proto, president, Saskatchewan Liberal
Association; Senator Marie-P. (Charette) Poulin,
president, Liberal Party of Canada, Ottawa.
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