Opposition to the PC-CA Merger
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Resolution to nullify the proposed merger deal

Whereas the PC Party membership at a delegated Annual General Meeting in 1999 in Toronto overwhelmingly voted to run 301 PC Party candidates in every Federal election and affirmed this desire in the section 2.2.3. in our constitution at another Annual General Meeting in Edmonton in 2002, and

whereas our National Council meeting in Richmond, September 2001, overwhelmingly defeated a motion calling for the party to work toward the formation of "a principled and unified conservative government," by amending it to read "Progressive Conservative government," and

whereas a delegated leadership convention of May 2003, saw a pro-merger candidate receive less than 1% of the vote in nationwide delegate selection meetings, and

whereas during the leadership campaign Mr. Peter MacKay in his writings, speeches and brochures presented himself as a candidate opposed to a merger with the Canadian Alliance, stating that he was "not a merger candidate," and

whereas he signed a very public agreement with leadership candidate David Orchard that there is to be "no merger, joint candidates with [the] Alliance; maintain 301," in order to have Mr. Orchard deliver his delegate votes to him in the fourth ballot, enabling Peter MacKay to become the leader of the PC Party, and

whereas he soon afterwards, ignoring the expressed wishes of party members and reneging on his signed agreement with Mr. Orchard, started negotiations with the Canadian Alliance representatives for the merging of the two parties, and

whereas Peter MacKay having abdicated his first an foremost constitutional responsibility which according to 11.2. of the party's constitution is "to promote the Party and its Aims and Principles" and having breached sections 2.2.3 and 2.3 of our constitution which state respectively that our party exists to "[p]rovide an organizational framework within which Members of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada can effect change, gather public support for its policies and influence government policy through the nomination of Progressive Conservative candidates in every constituency and the election of Progressive Conservative Members of Parliament, for the betterment of Canada" (2.2.3) and "[T]he Party will operate in a manner accountable and responsive to its Members" (2.3), has endangered the very survival of the PC Party of Canada working actively to dismantle our party and devastate its electoral chances

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the proposed "deal" between the PC Party and the Canadian Alliance, which has not been mandated by the party, is null and void and will herewith not be proceeded with.

Moved by: Marjaleena Repo
Seconded by:

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