Maclean's, May 29, 2015
Hugh Segal on the importance of Peter MacKay
by Hugh Segal
Peter MacKay and I would often rib each other. In 1998 he co-chaired my leadership campaign against Joe Clark; in 2003 I co-chaired his for what was then the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. We both admitted that I had done a better job...
Toronto Star, Monday, November 2, 2009
Liberals and New Democrats together could unseat Harper
ceasefire would put nation's centre-left majority in political control
Michael Byers
... There is only one surefire way to prevent a Harper majority. The Liberals
and NDP should agree to not run candidates against each other in the next
campaign. In each riding, the party whose candidate fared worst in the last
election would pull its current candidate out, or refrain from nominating one.
Both parties would win more seats, with the Liberals potentially forming a
majority government. continued...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Court orders government to fly home Abousfian Abdelrazik
In what's being called a tough, landmark decision the Federal Court of Canada
today ordered the Harper government to fly Abousfian Abdelrazik home to Canada
within 30 days — and if it hasn't arranged for a ticket for him within 15 days,
the government is required to come before the court so it can "issue further
orders" and make sure they do what they have been ordered to do.
Judge Russell Zinn also says he found no evidence that Abdelrazik is a
national security risk or has any connections with Al Quaida or other terrorist
organizations. The full judgment and reasons for judgment — and it makes for
good reading — is
Although there is a chance that the government may appeal it, this decision
by the Federal Court is a victory for Abousfian Abdelrazik and his family, all
those who have supported him, and for all Canadians whose citizenship rights
have been put in danger by the government's refusal to uphold them.
It is also vindication for the small of group of people, among them former
Trudeau Solicitor General Warren Allmand and David Orchard, who earlier this
year, at the risk of ten years' imprisonment for aiding and abetting a
terrorist, donated money for an airline ticket to fly Abousfian Abdelrazik home.
They did the right thing, as the court has now confirmed!
Two breaking news stories are below.
Globe and Mail Update, Thursday, June, 4, 2009
orders Ottawa to allow Abdelrazik to return to Canada
Federal Court judge issues landmark ruling
that Harper government has breached constitutional rights on man trapped in
Canadian Press, Thursday, June 4, 2009
orders government to let Abdelrazik return
Jim Bronskill
Globe and Mail,
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Canadian can't come home, Cannon says
In last-minute reversal, Ottawa says citizen
stranded in Sudan poses too great a national security risk
by Paul Koring
Abousfian Abdelrazik, a Canadian citizen, poses so grave a threat to Canada
that he can't come back, Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon said yesterday,
abruptly reversing the government's written promise of an emergency one-way
travel document less than two hours before his flight home was to depart from
Khartoum. ... "The only plausible explanation is that the decision was taken at
the highest political levels," [Yavar] Hameed [Mr. Abdelrazik's lawyer] said.
"They will do anything to keep him from coming home and telling his story."
"The government is now in violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,"
Liberal MP Irwin Cotler said.
Globe and Mail, Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Canadians 'from all walks of life' come to aid of
Former UN envoy joins lawyers, former government
officials and ordinary citizens in denouncing treatment of Muslim Canadian
by Paul Koring
Stephen Lewis, a former UN special envoy, has
joined more than 160 Canadians to purchase a flight home for Abousfian
David Orchard [said] "I don't like torture
and I don't like Canadian citizens being tortured and I don't like our
government asking foreign governments to do the torturing." He said he was
appalled at the "the hypocrisy of our government condemning Sudan for
human-rights abuses and then approaching them and asking them to pick up a
Canadian citizen." continued...
Star editorial, Saturday, March 14, 2009
Criminalizing charity
Is Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government
prepared to criminalize empathy? If not, it shouldn't even consider bringing
charges against the 115 Canadians and others who chipped in to buy a $996 plane
ticket to bring Abousfian Abdelrazik home from Sudan. ... The contributors
include former Liberal cabinet minister Warren Allmand and former Progressive
Conservative leadership candidate David Orchard, plus university professors,
lawyers, artists and others.
Montreal Gazette, Saturday, March 14, 2009
And another thing ... Concise comments on current
Doing the right thing
...the donors have done the right thing,
making up in some small measure for the disgraceful behaviour of the Canadian
government that seems to have thrown up every obstacle it could think of to
block Abdelrazik's return to Canada.
Globe and Mail,
letter to the editor, Saturday, March 14, 2009
Taking on Ottawa
by Mary Dixon
Winnipeg -- Bravo and a warm thank you to
those who have donated funds for the return of Abousfian Abdelrazik, a
much-maligned (tricked, unlawfully held, tortured) innocent Canadian stranded in
Sudan (Canadians Defy Law In
Bid To Bring Home One Of Their Own - front, March 13).
Globe and Mail, Friday, March 13, 2009
The Abdelrazik case: Canadians defy law in bid to
bring home one of their own
More than 100 supporters chip in for airfare for Canadian exiled in Sudan
by Les Perreaux and Bill Curry
... Former Iraq hostages James Loney and
Harmeet Singh Sooden and former Liberal solicitor-general Warren Allmand are
among the donors. Saskatchewan farmer David Orchard, who has dabbled in
Progressive Conservative and Liberal leadership politics, gave $400.
Toronto Star, Sunday, January 11, 2009
Jewish dissenters speak out over Gaza
by Haroon Siddiqui
Judith Weisman, 78, is a Toronto
psychotherapist. She grew up in "a very Zionist family" in Baltimore but "began
to change when Israel supported the Vietnam War." ... She helped found Jews for
a Just Peace; Jewish Women to End the Occupation (since renamed Women in
Solidarity with Palestine); Not in Our Name; and an umbrella group, Independent
Jewish Voices.
... Hers has been a long struggle, ignored by
the media and shunned by "the organized Jewish community" that is solidly
pro-Israel. But in recent years, she and other dissidents have been garnering
support. In recent days, they've had much company.
Canadian Press, Thursday, January 8, 2009
Nationwide rallies staged in solidarity with Israel
as others slam Ottawa's stance
TORONTO — Prominent Canadians called on
Ottawa to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza in the face of Israel's "war
crimes" as others planned to rally nationwide Thursday in support of Israelis
who have been "paralyzed" for years by Hamas missile strikes. ...Internationally
acclaimed concert pianist Anton Kuerti said the "servile" way Ottawa is
supporting the U.S. position makes him "ashamed" to be a Canadian.
"The unbelievable war crimes that Israel is
committing in Gaza ... it makes me ashamed to be a Jew," Kuerti said at the
Toronto news conference. "The servile way in which Canada is supporting the U.S.
position - basically it's all Hamas's fault because of missiles that they throw
over in desperation - I think this reluctance of Canada to use its influence
makes me ashamed to be Canadian."
Canwest News Service, Thursday, January 08, 2009
Canadian Jews condemn Gaza attack
by Jordana Huber
TORONTO - Physicist Ursula Franklin and
pianist Anton Kuerti were among a group of Jewish Canadians speaking out against
Israel Thursday morning. ... Franklin said Israel's actions were a "betrayal" of
a generation that attempted to learn from the consequences of the Holocaust.
"Never again didn't mean no Jews should ever be in a concentration camp. The
never again meant no human being should ever be again in a position that power
can determine their lives and there are some people who do not matter," she
said. continued...
Toronto Sun, Thursday, January 8, 2009
Security alert for Jewish community
by Tom Godfrey, Sun Media
Prominent Jewish Canadians criticized
Israel’s assault in Gaza today while B’nai Brith officials issued a security
alert warning of threats of attacks against the Jewish community because of the
two-week-old Israeli military action. ... Osgoode Hall Law School professor
Michael Mandel said Canadians are being told Hamas are the aggressors. “It is
the exact opposite,” he said.
Judith Deutsch, president of Science for
Peace, said the Israeli military action is a crime against the people of Gaza.
“Israel has returned to openly committing war crimes,” Deutsch said.
Prince Albert Daily Herald, Thursday, January 8, 2009
Orchard joins call for ceasefire
by Angela Hill
..."The targets — the mosques, the schools —
these things are absolutely unacceptable targets and I just felt that I had to
speak out," he said. "We are seeing a heavily armed group attacking a largely
defenceless refugee population," Orchard said ... "These are civilians that
can't get out... it's like they are in a prison and now they are being bombed,"
he said. "I want the killing to stop and there needs to be a ceasefire
yesterday." continued...
The Guardian, Wednesday, January 7, 2009
How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe
By Avi Shlaim
Oxford professor of international relations
Avi Shlaim served in the Israeli army and has never questioned the state's
legitimacy. But its merciless assault on Gaza has led him to devastating
conclusions. continued...
This article was also posted
on Information
Clearinghouse, a source for a good deal of information not often reported on
in North America.
Toronto, Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Letter to the Globe and Mail from
Anton Kuerti
To: David Orchard
Subject: Gaza
I just sent this to the
Globe; they probably won't print it, but you may use it on your website if you
Dear Editor.
The Honourable Peter Kent's [junior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs]
statement that "The position of the government of Canada is that Hamas bears the
burden of responsibility for the deepening humanitarian tragedy" in Gaza flies
totally in the face of the facts. It is beyond deplorable that Canada should so
cravenly mimic the position of the discredited and corrupt U.S. administration
and thus bless the outrageous massacres being perpetrated by Israel.
Meadow Lake Progress, October 19, 2008
Orchard proud of election race
By Kathy Gallant, Progress Staff
"Nationally, there was a split in the vote,"
[Orchard] said in an interview on Wednesday, October 15. "The Conservatives
didn't get a majority, so that means people were out there voting for other
parties, and different representation for Canada." ...
Overall, Orchard said that he is happy with
what he accomplished during the election, despite not winning the seat. "I was
out there, I was interactive, I am glad that I got to meet with so many
wonderful people," he said. "I wish (Rob) Clarke luck with this position and in
the riding." continued...
The StarPhoenix, Thursday, October 16, 2008
Orchard criticizes voting process. Identification
requirement problematic, candidate says.
By David Hutton
David Orchard and his Liberal campaign team
say something must be done to smooth the voting process for aboriginal and rural
voters, many of whom were shut out at the polls Tuesday because they lacked
proper identification, weren't enumerated or were told to vote at distant
polling stations. continued...
Globe and Mail, Saturday, October 11, 2008
'Lone wolf' at parliament's door. The kingmaker seeks
a crown of his own
By Roy MacGregor
... It is early evening, with military
stripes of geese moving across the harvest moon that hangs over this field where
two combines have been running well into the dark. But theirs aren't the only
lights on the landscape.
David Orchard, the Liberal candidate in
Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River, is roaring down the back roads in his 1981
Oldsmobile, a high plume of dust billowing behind. He is chasing someone - not
votes, but a half-ton carrying two men clad in hunter's orange.
National Post online, Friday, May 23, 2008
David Orchard sets out to save Canada. Again.
By Kelly McParland
If you’re ever on one of those TV reality
shows in which success depends on the determination to persevere in the face of
betrayals, setbacks, failures, dirty tricks and the unreliability of others,
the guy you want on your side is David Orchard.
The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon) and Regina Leader-Post, Thursday, May 22, 2008
Orchard to seek Grit nomination
By James Wood
... "When I made that decision to join the
Liberals I did so in a serious way. There are good times and there are bad
times. I'm a farmer, you have good years, you have bad years, but you won't get
too far if you don't stick with things so that's what I've done," Orchard said
in an interview.
... Senator David Smith, national co-chair of
the Liberal campaign, said unusual circumstances, such as the timing of the
byelection, led to Beatty's appointment and normal nominating procedures would
be followed this time. "We wouldn't play favourites. It's a level playing field
from our perspective," he said from Toronto. "What's that old song . . .
accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, so let's move on. What happened
happened." continued...
Media release, Wednesday, May 21, 2008
David Orchard to run for the Liberal
nomination in Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River
"Following an extensive period of consultation across the riding, I have
decided to put my name forward as a candidate for the Liberal Party nomination
in the northern Saskatchewan riding of Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River.
As part of the Liberal team, I will offer my energy and experience to work
for an alternative vision for the riding and the country to that put forward by
Stephen Harper’s government. If selected, I intend to speak for Metis, First
Nations and non-aboriginal alike. Mine will be a fighting voice for everyone —
the Meadow Lake farmer, the daycare worker in Sandy Bay, the student in
Pinehouse, the trappers in Cumberland House, or the fishermen and women in
Wollaston Lake. It is my hope to also be a voice for understanding across the
cultural and racial divide in this far-flung riding, which covers over half of
Saskatchewan." continued...
Globe and Mail, Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Liberals unable to rally supporters in Northern
by Joe Friesen and Campbell Clark
... The by-election loss was a blow for Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion, but
inside the party, it has also damaged the reputation of the senior Grit in the
province, Ralph Goodale.
It was Mr. Goodale who pressed Mr. Dion to cut short a nomination race in the
riding to appoint Ms. Beatty. Mr. Dion overruled his own senior campaign
managers, David Smith and Mark Marissen, to take Mr. Goodale's advice.
Prince Albert Grand Council Tribune, November 2007
David Orchard Wants Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill
River Nomination
by Ron Merasty
David Orchard, 57, a Saskatchewan farmer
originally from Borden, along the South Saskatchewan River west of Saskatoon, is
one of the best-known Canadians. He has been in the public spotlight for much of
the past 20 years. Orchard is contesting the Liberal nomination for
Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River, and wants to become its Member of
Parliament. Orchard says that he wants to become the representative of
Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River so that he will stem the Americanization of
Canada by Stephen Harper’s Conservatives.
People in northern communities of the
constituency are receiving him well, he said, and has sold a fair number of
memberships. When the Tribune talked to him, he was in Canoe Lake enroute to
Meadow Lake for a speaking engagement.
Prince Albert Daily Herald, 26 November, 2007
Supporter defends candidate's credentials
To the Editor:
This letter is in response to a newscast I heard today in reference to David
Orchard and his announcement to run as a Liberal in the
Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River riding. I was upset by comments made by his
opponent John Dorion who implied that David has no connections to the North and
hasn’t a grasp of the issues of that place. He also went on to say that David
isn’t qualified because of his lack of Cree language skills.
I am a member of the Buffalo River Dene Nation. The riding in question is
very large and Cree isn’t the only Native language spoken. I speak fluent Dene
and would like to know if John can freely converse in that. David speaks French.
There have been other MP’s who spoke only English and still represented the
riding with skill. I think it's a shame that campaign should largely be about
race and language.
John also stated that David had no connection to the North. David is
connected to the North by blood as he is my former brother in law and has a
niece who is also a band member. I have a large family and many of us consider
David's beliefs to be close to what we believe in. We accept him for what he is.
David is known by many in the north for having taken part in the blockade of
logging roads and clear cutting in Canoe Lake in which he was arrested and
jailed with other protesters from surrounding northern communities. David
understands that there is a thin line between responsible harvesting of
resources and exploitation.
David is a long time activist who has a passion for the important issues of
the North and the political know-how to get things done in Ottawa. Our MP should
be elected for his or her ability to represent the riding and not for race or
lack of Native language skills.
Terrie S. Bekattla
Prince Albert SK
The Daily News (Halifax), Thursday, August 16, 2007
The Peter Principle at work
MacKay's deals with the devil bode ill for his
prospects as defence minister
Stephen Kimber
... The defining moment in his political
career — what should have marked the end of the beginning of his meteoric rise
to power but became instead the beginning of the end of his hopes — was what
then-foe, now-friend Jason Kenny called his deal with the devil at the 2003
Progressive Conservative party's leadership convention.
That was when MacKay, for reasons that can
only be described as crass, struck a secret backroom pact with his more
progressive leadership rival, David Orchard. MacKay pledged to review the
party's pro-North American Free Trade Pact policy he had previously supported,
and promised, cross-his-heart, not to lead the party into a merger with the
right-wing Canadian Alliance. In exchange, Orchard would throw his support
behind MacKay and push him over the top in the final ballot of the leadership
race. Orchard kept his part of the bargain.
Western Producer, April 5, 2007
Liberal leader Dion backs retention of single desk
By Adrian Ewins
Before a standing-room crowd of more than 300
cheering supporters in a Saskatoon hotel ballroom last week, Liberal leader
Stéphane Dion gave his audience exactly what they came to hear: a spirited
defence of the Canadian Wheat Board's single desk and a stinging attack on the
government of Stephen Harper.
Standing in front of a backdrop depicting a
golden wheat field under a bright blue prairie sky, the leader of the opposition
vowed that his party will do everything in its power to derail the Conservatives
from dismantling the single desk.
The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon), Monday, April 1, 2007
Wheat board vote a ruse: Dion
by Janet French
"The wheat board is under assault — an
assault more brutal than anything we’ve seen before," Dion said, backed by
Liberal MPs Wayne Easter and Ralph Goodale and supporter and trade critic David
Orchard. "Because of ideology, Prime Minister Stephen Harper is determined to
kill the wheat board. That is his plan. That is his goal, and I think he must be
stopped." continued...
NB: This was a
standing room only event with over 400 attending (rather than the 250
mentioned in the article). People travelled from all across the prairies to be
present. The meeting was chaired by David Orchard.
The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon), Friday, December 8, 2006
Orchard's strategic influence
by Randy Burton
If delivering support to the winning
candidate means anything in politics, then David Orchard's star must surely be
on the rise in the Liberal party.
The longtime critic of free trade, two-time
candidate for the leadership of the Progressive Conservative party and new
Liberal can be credited for playing a significant role in Stephane Dion's rise
to the Liberal leadership.
Canadian Press (The Pembroke Daily Observer), December 2, 2006
Orchard ready to spook Dion's opponents
by Nelson Wyatt
MONTREAL. — He's the ghost who has haunted political conventions past. Few
have seen him but everyone knows he's here. ... Chatting up a delegate after the
policy, Orchard seemed more a soft-spoken banker than a blackberry-wielding
organizational colossus. "I’m working hard to help elect Stephane Dion as the
leader," Orchard said.
Toronto Star, December 1, 2006
David Orchard is in the house — once again
by Thomas Walkom
MONTREAL -- Could David Orchard end up
deciding who gets to be the next Liberal leader? At first glance, the idea seems
bizarre. But the Saskatchewan organic farmer and anti-free trade agitator -- who
twice came close to capturing the Progressive Conservative crown -- has surfaced
at the nail-biting Liberal leadership convention at the head of a band of 175
fiercely loyal delegates, most of whom are determined to support whatever
candidate he chooses. continued...
An out-of-the-blue swipe at David Orchard by a Globe and Mail
columnist... and a letter taking issue:
Globe and Mail, October 3, 2006
Handicaps are hobbling all the Liberal candidates
by Jeffrey Simpson
One person led but nobody won the
delegate-selection process for the Liberal leadership. ... But as leadership
candidates, each has handicaps that have prevented any one of them from
blowing the others away. ... On the prairies, especially in Saskatchewan,
Mr. Dion has made an alliance of sorts with David Orchard, a flaky, marginal
political figure who is almost a cult. Mr. Orchard ran for the leadership of
the Progressive Conservative Party, then switched to the Liberals. He helped
Mr. Dion win delegates, but he's hardly the kind of ally Mr. Dion wants to
put in his national political window.
Globe and Mail, October 5, 2006
Mr. Orchard wronged
by Christopher Thomas
... Mr. Orchard, a forceful Canadian
nationalist, is an experienced organic farmer from Saskatchewan who adjusts
his speaking schedule to seed and harvest time. ... the betrayal of his
agreement with Peter MacKay and Mr. MacKay's subsequent surrender to the
Canadian Alliance Party remain a scandalous episode in recent Canadian
political history that not all of us have forgotten.
And Mr. Orchard's recent move to the
Liberals, far from being mere whimsicality, stems from his desire to remain
active in pragmatic politics while at the same time refusing to support
Stephen Harper's Conservatives.

Globe and Mail, August 17, 2006
MacKay's kingmaker backs Dion
Former Tory lends support from the West to Liberal hopeful
by Campbell Clark
OTTAWA -- David Orchard, once kingmaker for
Peter MacKay's Progressive Conservative leadership bid, threw his organizational
weight behind Liberal hopeful Stéphane Dion yesterday.
The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon), Thursday, August 17, 2006
Dion welcomes Orchard's endorsement
Support reflective of campaign, says Grit leadership candidate
by Lana Haight
Dion says ... Orchard's support is symbolic
of the campaign he's running. "It revolves around rural Canada and urban Canada,
a farmer from Saskatchewan and a professor of university from Montreal, a big
tent in the Liberal party," he said in an interview.
Ottawa Citizen and Montreal Gazette, Thursday, August 17, 2006
Orchard backs Dion for Liberal leadership
by Juliet O'Neill, CanWest News Service
Orchard praised Dion's achievements as an
ardent environmentalist and champion of the Kyoto accord; a firm supporter of
the Canadian Wheat Board and supply-management agricultural programs; a renowned
advocate of Canadian unity; and for his call for an immediate ceasefire during
the Israeli-Hezbollah war in Lebanon. "When you add it all up I think that he is
an effective leader who can stand against Stephen Harper," he said.
National Post, Thursday, August 17, 2006
Orchard boosts Dion's farm team
by John Ivison
OTTAWA - If you had spent the last few years
abroad -- maybe working for the BBC and teaching human rights at Harvard -- the
Liberal leadership race might seem a bit like a soap opera you lost touch with
long ago. ... The story took a further improbable twist yesterday when that most
liberal of Liberals, Stephane Dion, announced that David Orchard, the
Saskatchewan farmer and former Progressive Conservative leadership candidate,
was backing his campaign.
National Post, August 18, 2006
Repairing the Orchard file
Re. Dion's support stranger than fiction, Aug.17
Letter to the editor by David Orchard
I read with amusement John Ivison's lively
and mostly accurate piece. But in the accompanying "David Orchard File," the
National Post included opposition to the World Trade Organization as part of an
extensive catalogue of my sins.
I have long been a defender of Canada as a
multilateral trader, and as such an advocate of the General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade (GATT) and its current designation as the WTO. Under the GATT/WTO,
Canada both retains its sovereignty and had better trade access to the US market
than under the Canada/US "free trade agreements," which are damaging our
sovereignty and have brought us tariffs -- including on our wheat and soft wood,
unless we pay one billion dollars not to have them -- and numerous other
harassment. continued...
Melfort Journal, June 6, 2006
Scandals and scroundrels
by Shelley Tomlinson
Liberal leadership contender Joe Volpe
returned $27,000 in donations he received from some minor children. ...The
Progressive Conservatives ceased to exist because Pete Mackay decided to ignore
his deal with David Orchard and unite the right. ... [MacKay] is no longer
earning the puny base salary of lowly backbench MP’s (for those who care: nearly
$150,000 a year) but he also gets a substantial bonus (read: an extra $70,800 a
Note to self: in order to earn a substantial
raise and promotion, promise to do one thing and then do the exact opposite all
the while pretending you only changed your mind about the issue after the
initial promise was made.
Winnipeg Free Press, Friday, June 2nd, 2006
Orchard dares to challenge conventional wisdom
by William Neville
What makes David run? The David in question
is David Orchard, twice a candidate to lead the Progressive Conservative Party,
a long-standing and informed critic of the North American free trade agreements,
environmental advocate (he's engaged in organic farming in Saskatchewan) and a
man given to unconventional thinking. To say who he is is also to say what makes
him run, for he is animated by a kind of old-fashioned patriotism and concern
for the future of Canada, which seems to discomfit the comfortable and others
who seem to be sleep-walking their way through some of the real challenges
facing the country.
continued..., Monday, March 27, 2006
David Orchard mulls run at Liberal leadership
Canadian Press
OTTAWA -- Saskatchewan farmer and two-time
Tory leadership hopeful David Orchard is thinking about leaping into the Liberal
"What I'm really doing right now is taking
calls. I certainly had not been considering it, but calls kept coming so I kept
answering them and listening to what people have to say,'' Orchard said in an
interview. "I'm not ruling anything in or anything out.''
Still, he expressed reservations over the
short lead-up time to the convention. The cut-off for selling memberships to
would-be supporters is late June.
Toronto Star, Saturday, March 4, 2006
We need choice on GM foods
By Cameron Smith
"If Monsanto Canada's herbicide-tolerant
Roundup Ready alfalfa is introduced into Canada, 'it will be disastrous (for
organic farmers),' Orchard says, 'because it would mean the end of farming
organic alfalfa, just as the introduction of GM canola in 1996 has all but wiped
out Canadian organic canola production.'"
The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon), Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Orchard offers support to Grits
Former leadership hopeful
says Conservative gov't would work with Bloc
By Janet French
Former Progressive Conservative leadership
hopeful David Orchard publicly backed the Liberals Tuesday, calling a Stephen
Harper Conservative government a threat to national unity.
"In triggering this election at this time,
both Harper and (NDP Leader Jack) Layton were prepared to play with the fires of
Quebec nationalism in order to increase their own positions," Orchard said.
"It's a dangerous and a short-term effort that could hurt our country badly. I
believe that there's only one party capable of holding our country together, and
that's (the Liberals)."
The Daily News (Halifax), Sunday, December 18, 2005
Orchard incident still clouds MacKay's image
By Richard Foot
"...the Orchard episode still clouds MacKay's
reputation with voters. He knows he suffers a credibility problem, and walks
with an Achilles heel on the national stage."
The StarPhoenix, Monday November 28, 2005
Conservative Party owes Orchard more than $70,000
Ex-leadership candidate alleges party being vindictive
By Daniel Jungwirth
Two and a half years after the Progressive
Conservative leadership race, the Conservative Party of Canada has yet to pay
David Orchard more than $70,000. About $55,000 of that is owed to the
Borden-area farmer from donations to his leadership campaign.
Chronicle-Herald, November 27, 2005
PM cultivates the Orchard
By Silver Donald Cameron
There's a rumour out there that Paul Martin
is courting David Orchard to join the Liberals. It’s a delicious thought.
Toronto Star, Saturday, November 12, 2005
Still feeling jilted after right-wing marriage
Many unhappy with PC-Alliance union
By Thomas Walkom
Almost two years after the merger that
created it, Canada's new Conservative party remains haunted by the circumstances
of its creation. ... the Conservative merger seems to have produced an unusual
level of bitterness. Two years after the fact, none of the dissidents I
interviewed spoke of forgiving and forgetting. The feelings are as raw as they
were in 2003 – perhaps rawer.
Winnipeg Fress Press, Friday, August 26th, 2005
All show and no go on NAFTA
By Frances Russell
Now that the secure access lie is outed,
Canada's most dedicated and articulate FTA/NAFTA opponents are urging Canadians
to abrogate it and return to trading with the U.S. under international trade
law. continued...
The Guardian (P.E.I.),
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Tories underestimate Grits’ power to demonize them,
says Mike Duffy
By Wayne Thibodeau
The Conservative party has consistently
underestimated the Liberals' ability to paint them as the bad guys, says a
journalist described by the Toronto Star as the "ultimate insider"... Duffy said
Peter MacKay, the deputy leader and Nova Scotia MP, looks great and is a natural
politician, but... "The Liberals would tear him to pieces over this deal with
David Orchard," making reference to his deal to merge the Progressive
Conservative Party with the Canadian Alliance.
Vancouver Sun,
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Harper, Martin both need some judgment, not a
Barbara Yaffe
...Dealing first with Harper, who even in
Conservative-minded B.C. has a lukewarm 38-per-cent approval rating -- behind
the two other national leaders -- his image is quite okay. He doesn't need new
eyeglasses or a different hairstyle. ...Instead of projecting an alternative
vision of hope in response to Liberal pronouncements, Harper projects contempt.
...He also shows a mean-spiritedness in refusing to allow former Progressive
Conservative leadership candidate David Orchard anywhere near the party, or
refund $70,000 the PCs have owed Orchard since his leadership bid.
Vancouver Province,
June 5, 2005
When politicians play with the truth, it's no wonder
young people turn off
By Amanda MacGregor
As a youth, I was filled with anticipation
and excitement at my first chance to be part of a major political process. It
was in 2003, at the Progressive Conservative leadership convention in Toronto,
which I attended as a Vancouver Quadra youth delegate.
Winnipeg Free Press,
June 3, 2005
Christians capturing Tory party
By Frances Russell
... The week before the evangelicals'
nominations were reported, Ms Stronach switched to the Liberals, turning her
erstwhile love interest, Deputy Conservative leader Peter MacKay, into an
instant media darling deserving of enormous public sympathy. ... For Mr.
Orchard, the bigger issue is that Mr. MacKay betrayed the Canadian people by
denying them a second centrist, Big Tent, governing party.
The Daily News (Halifax),
May 20, 2005
Nasty, nasty, nasty. Stronach's defection brings out worst
in some
from Rick Howe
New lows were reached this week with reactions to the
year's biggest story so far: Belinda Stronach's
defection to the Paul Martin Liberals. ... A name came
to mind as I heard MacKay use the words "honour" and
"betrayal." But David Orchard wasn't trash-talking when
I contacted him on his farm in Saskatchewan.

On May 21,
2005, the Toronto Star published an opinion piece by senior
editorial writer Bob Hepburn, "'Dump
Harper' bid on the rise," in which he wrote that David Orchard
is a "key player" in a group working the phones to unseat Stephen
Harper as leader of the Conservative party. Mr. Hepburn had not
spoken to David Orchard before he wrote his comment. On May 25, The
Star published the following correction:
Toronto Star, May 25, 2005
Not part of move to 'dump Harper'
by David Orchard
Bob Hepburn writes that there's a growing "dump (Stephen) Harper
movement" in the Conservative party. David Orchard, he says, is "a
key player."
A "dump anybody" movement is one of insiders and, in the case of
Harper, Conservative party members. I am neither, and was even
denied the opportunity to attend the party's first convention as an
observer. A movement to "dump Harper" may well exist in the
Conservative party. I know nothing of it. Neither am I part of any
other group trying to unseat Harper.
Hepburn writes that this group is "working the phones." That,
too, is news to me. The phone calls I am making have to do with
prices of wheat, oats and fuel, arrangements for leaf-cutter bees to
pollinate alfalfa crops and getting the seed into the ground on my
One would hope the Toronto Star would subscribe to higher
standards of journalistic accuracy.
David Orchard, Borden, Sask. |

Winnipeg Free Press,
April 8, 2005
Orchard wants his money back
By Frances Russell
David Orchard, the bilingual fourth-generation
Saskatchewan farmer who brought the second largest
number of delegates to the Progressive Conservative
Party's 2003 leadership convention, says the
Conservative party is blackmailing him with $77,000 of
his own money.
Hill Times
(Ottawa), March 28 – April 3, 2005
Orchard wants Conservatives to pay his leadership campaign
Conservative Party agreed to settle money issue last
By Christopher Guly
Denied a Conservative Party membership and
refused entry as a "member-observer" at the federal Conservatives' recent policy
convention in Montreal, David Orchard says he's still waiting for the party to
hand over more than $70,000, excluding another $10,000 in legal costs and
interest, he claims are owed to him as a result of his run for his unsuccessful
leadership run for the former federal Progressive Conservative Party of Canada
two years ago. continued...
Toronto Star, Sunday, March 27, 2005
Linda McQuaig says Tories are still same sheep in different
By Linda McQuaig
... Despite media hype about the new merged party being more open and
tolerant than expected, in fact the party is closed to progressive ideas that
most Canadians value and that even traditional Tories endorsed.
One indication is the party's decision to boot out
David Orchard, even though Orchard recruited thousands
of new party members during the 2003 Conservative
leadership race and came into that convention with the
second largest slate of delegates.
The Edmonton Sun, Saturday, March 19, 2005
What goes around comes around, says former Progressive
Conservative David Orchard
By Ajay Bhardwaj
Orchard, who twice ran for the leadership of the Progressive Conservative
party, had a deal with MP Peter MacKay to prevent the merger of the PCs and the
Canadian Alliance in 2003. The deal fell apart when MacKay agreed to merge the
parties. A furious MacKay lashed out Thursday at Ottawa-area MP Scott Reid for
bringing forward a constitutional amendment that would give larger ridings more
delegates than smaller ridings at conventions. The idea was a deal-breaker when
the parties were discussing merging.
The Halifax Herald, Thursday, March 17, 2005
Conservatives snub Orchard. Party tells former leadership
candidate he's not welcome at convention
By Amy Smith and Stephen Maher / Staff Reporters
David Orchard ran for leader twice, but now he can't even get into the party
convention. Mr. Orchard said he got word this week he was not welcome as a
member-observer at the Conservative party's meeting in Montreal, which starts
this evening. continued...
CanWest News Service, Thursday, March 17, 2005 (printed in the Edmonton
Journal, Saskatoon StarPhoenix and Montreal Gazette)
David Orchard banned from Tory convention
by Anne Dawson
OTTAWA - The federal Conservatives have banned David Orchard from
attending the party's policy convention in Montreal for failing to have a valid
membership. continued...
(NB: This article contains some crucial factual errors.)
MEDIA RELEASE, March 15, 2005
Conservative party nixes David Orchard’s member-observer
status at convention!
David Orchard, twice leadership candidate for the Progressive Conservative
Party, has had his member-observer status yanked by the Conservative Party
leadership just before the convention.

Listowel Banner (ON), March
9, 2005
Orchard impresses students. Political enigma visits LDSS
by Greg Bisch
"I would have voted for him," said Caitlin
Bellamy, a student in Joe Simpson’s Gr. 12 politics class at Listowel District
Secondary School, after a visit to the class by former Progressive Conservative
party leadership candidate David Orchard, Feb. 28. "I like the idea that we
(Canada) have to be strong for ourselves. I hope in the future his view comes
into play." continued...
Imprint (University of
Waterloo student paper), March
4, 2005
Canadian identity at forefront. David Orchard visits UW to
speak on upholding Canada's economy
by Rebecca Temmer -
Imprint staff
Like most Canadians, David Orchard doesn't
want to see Canada become the fifty-first state. The prominent Canadian
politician is currently touring southern Ontario and stopped at UW on Tuesday
evening to speak to students and community members.
Chesterville Record, March 2, 2005
and AgriNews Interactive, March 2005,
Vol. 29, No. 3, March
2, 2005
Orchard has fruitful visit to Cornwall
by Nelson Zandbergen
CORNWALL — David Orchard, political maverick
and would-be leader of the defunct Progressive Conservative Party of Canada,
plowed fertile ground in Cornwall on Sat., Feb. 26.
Western News, (The Department of Communications and Public Affairs,
University of Western Ontario) Thursday, February 17, 2005
Canada risks being absorbed
by Armando D'Andrea
Canada risks being "absorbed" into the United States under current economic
conditions and that’s why NAFTA must be reviewed, former federal PC Party
leadership candidate David Orchard said last week.
The Gazette (University of Western Ontario), Thursday, February 10, 2005
Orchard on organics
by Dave Ward
Former* organic farmer and nominee for the leadership of the federal Progressive Conservative party David Orchard spoke at Western yesterday. A self-described political orphan currently without a party, Orchard focused on the dangers of free trade and closer ties with the United States.... He warned against Canadians looking upon the U.S. as friends. "Superpowers don't have friends; they have interests" continued
*Webmaster's note: David Orchard is of course not a "former" organic farmer, but very much a presently active one!

ZNET, Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Canada, Nationalism, and Empire Justin Podur interviews David Orchard
by David Orchard and Justin Podur
David Orchard ( and his colleagues created the "Campaign for Canada." He was co-founder in 1985 of Citizens Concerned About Free Trade and one of the most visible leaders of the fight against the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in the 1980s and its extension to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in the 1990s, on the grounds that these agreements would destroy Canadian sovereignty and the chance for Canada to develop differently from the United States...
My Glendon (Glendon
College of York University, Toronto), 12 December, 2004
David Orchard Speaks at Glendon
Article submitted by Glendon communications officer Marika
Saskatchewan organic farmer and dedicated environmentalist David Orchard addressed Glendon students at an open lecture on November 29th on the topic of "Canada in a Globalized World"... continued
National Post, Monday, November 29, 2004
Diefenbaker's homestead gets new home: A replica of the late prime minister's first home gets a new life at a Saskatchewan pioneer village
by Nicholas Kohler
The boyhood home of a Canadian prime minister whose life straddled the hardships of a farming youth in the Canadian Prairies and the intrigues of the Cold War... travelled the 65 kilometres from Regina's Wascana Centre, where it had been kept since 1967, to the Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village and Museum just south of Moose Jaw. continue...
To view photos of the move please click here.

The Link (Concordia), Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Still fighting for Canada
by Jonathan Pearce
David Orchard is a distinctive voice in the wilderness of Canada's political sphere. Although he ran for leadership of the Progressive Conservative party against Peter MacKay in 2003, his views on Canadian sovereignty are more aptly aligned with those on the left-wing of Canadian politics, and his opinion on international trade fall squarely in-line with many in the anti-globalization camp... continued
Red Deer Advocate, November 10, 2004
Free Trade called threat
by Tim Gardner
David Orchard, a leadership candidate for the former federal Progressive Conservative Party, says since Canada signed the free trade agreement and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in the late 1980s and early 1990s, it's actually gained less access to the lucrative American market...
The full article
The Chronicle Herald (Halifax), Saturday, October 23, 2004
Beleaguered Brison feels Tory anger (Webmaster's comment: "And strikes back with ammunition provided by Orchard!")
by Stephen Maher
"... This week, it started Monday, about halfway through question period, when Deputy Tory leader Peter MacKay stood to ask Prime Minister Paul Martin about a call from his office, back when he was finance minister, to lobby for funds for a Quebec company headed by hockey great (and Liberal fundraiser) Serge Savard. After the call, the company received $1.2 million from the sponsorship program. Mr. Brison gave Mr. MacKay his standard spiel and asked him to support the inquiry.
Mr. MacKay responded: 'Mr. Speaker, I had hoped for support from this person before. This is for the prime minister, not the wannabe.' ... Mr. Brison was acid in his response. 'Mr. Speaker, I am surprised that somebody who calls himself a lawyer would not understand the importance of the independence of a judicial inquiry and respect of that independence. I suspect he is having a bit of a lapse of legal judgment today. Perhaps that was the same lapse of judgment that led him to rip up a written agreement he made with David Orchard.' " Read Maher's
whole story...
CTV's "Question Period," Sunday, October 24, 2004 showed a clip of this exchange in its weekly section with Jane Taber who comments on "Who's Hot and Who's Not in Ottawa." You'll find it at Click on "Hot & Not."
The Edmonton Journal, Sunday, June 20, 2004
Sidelined former Conservative campaigns against Harper's Tories
by Alan Kellog
"With no constitution, no convention, no policy input for members, they are setting out to devastate all the great national institutions. There will be no Canadian Wheat Board, no universal access to health care, environmental protection, the list goes on. And they'll likely be propped up by the Bloc, which doesn't even believe in a federal government. They've stolen our name, and with voters in a mood to throw the old rascals out, they seem to be turning to what they think are the PCs, a moderate party. They're not. It's a travesty. It's a very frustrating situation." continued
The Globe and Mail, Saturday, Jun 5, 2004
Orchard sitting and watching from the sidelines
by Graeme Smith
The fact that Mr. Orchard bitterly opposes the new Conservative Leader won't surprise anybody; it has been almost exactly one year, after all, since he shook hands with fellow leadership contender Peter MacKay at a Progressive Conservative convention in Toronto and signed an agreement to prevent a merger with Mr. Harper's Canadian Alliance...
The Leader-Post (Regina), Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Some former PCs feel disenfranchised
by Kevin O'connor
Although the Conservative Party says its merged membership is on the same songsheet in Saskatchewan, some former Progressive Conservatives are singing a different tune...
CTV News, Monday, May 24, 2004
Conservatives' 'truth squad' to follow Martin
by CTV News staff
"The modern 'truth squad' will follow Prime Minister Paul Martin in the weeks leading to election day. Deputy Conservative leader Peter MacKay will be keeping tabs and offering rebuttals on what Martin says on Monday.
[Mike] Duffy said the stunt might backfire. 'Is Peter MacKay is going to tell us about truth after the David Orchard deal?'" continued...
The StarPhoenix, Monday, April 5, 2004
Orchard wins fight against Tories
by Darren Bernhardt
Saskatchewan farmer David Orchard has struck a major blow against his Goliath, dodging a $200,000 lawsuit by the Conservative Party of Canada.
"It lifts a great weight off our shoulders, this threat of huge costs," said Orchard, the former Progressive Conservative leadership hopeful. "It's a significant victory for us. I can tell you our people all across the country are happy."
aussi en francais continuez...
The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon), Friday, April 2, 2004
Orchard plans comeback for PC party
by Darren Bernhardt
David Orchard, the Saskatchewan farmer and former Progressive Conservative leadership hopeful, has vowed to provide a new federal party to people forsaken by the recent PC and Canadian Alliance merger. When that happens and whether it means a new party on the federal political landscape or resuscitation under the PC banner remains to be seen.
"I'm considering everything now...
Vancouver Sun, Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Orchard a politician in search of a party
by Barbara Yaffe
The man responsible for all but destroying Peter MacKay's political career looks not the tiniest bit remorseful.
David Orchard continues to believe he was betrayed by Mr. MacKay. Mr. Orchard, of course, is the Progressive Conservative who at last May's leadership convention threw his support to the Nova Scotia MP in exchange for a promise the new leader would nix any merger with the Canadian Alliance. Mr. MacKay shortly thereafter reneged on the deal...

Canadian Press, Friday, December 5, 2003
Ontario judge rejects Tory maverick David Orchard's lawsuit
by Greg Bonnell
David Orchard's lawsuit against the Progressive Conservative party over its proposal to merge with the Canadian Alliance has no merit, an Ontario judge ruled Friday.
"The application is dismissed in its entirety," Superior Court Justice Russell Juriansz said in a written decision...
Edmonton Journal, October 26, 2003
Orchard won't roll over on merger
After years in the political wilderness, David Orchard is a hot commodity on the media circuit as he fights the PC and Alliance merger
by Alan Kellogg
SASKATOON - David Orchard world headquarters occupies a modest storefront next door to China Clipper Fish & Chips on a busy street just north of Saskatoon's attractive city centre.
Just across 2nd Avenue sits the gleaming bone-white Modern Press building, a restored art deco gem that was once home to The Western Producer, the weekly bible of agriculture and farm life that still remains the largest-selling periodical of its stripe in Canada.
Later on, the handsome edifice housed the North American operations of a French uranium corporation.
In his own dogged way, Orchard, a fourth-generation farmer from nearby Borden. has proudly maintained the explosive heritage of the block...continued
Ottawa Citizen, October 25, 2003
David Orchard's love of Canada is something we can all believe in
by Margret Kopala
Following two bids for the leadership of the federal Progressive Conservatives and a week of wall-to-wall media coverage in which he railed against the Canadian Alliance/Progressive Conservative unity deal, David Orchard is no better known than he was in 1985 when he founded Citizens Concerned About Free Trade. Scorned as a "tourist" in the PC party, the fourth-generation Saskatchewan farmer's best-selling book, The Fight for Canada: Four Centuries of Resistance of American Expansionism, reveals instead a man who may be Canada's last radical tory...continued
To order David's Book The Fight for Canada ...go to
Winnipeg Free Press,
26 September, 2003
MacKay out on limbs over talks
by William Neville
...if the electorate's somewhat inexplicable attachment to Paul Martin holds through to the next election, uniting the right may become a marginal issue. But part of the reason for the parties revisiting union no doubt, lies in an inability to see beyond cherished illusions: some Conservative and many Alliance members and supporters still believe that all they require is to proclaim themselves a single party and all those electors who previously voted for the two will -- Presto! -- vote for the one....continued
Western Producer,
21 August, 2003
Orchard hopes to reverse recent PC policies
by Barry Wilson
OTTAWA BUREAU- The Progressive Conservative party must raise the profile
of agricultural issues in Canadian politics and re-orient policy to
support farmers in the domestic market, says the Saskatchewan farmer who
ended up as kingmaker during the last PC leadership convention....continued
National Post,
21 August, 2003
Saskatchewan farmer speaks out about controversial
backroom deal with Conservative leader
MacKay talks"ongoing," Orchard says. Alliance
party concerned.
by Bill Curry
OTTAWA - In his first interview since striking a controversial backroom
deal with Peter MacKay, David Orchard said yesterday he has been in
weekly contact with the new Conservative leader since the May convention
and he expects the party to follow through with running candidates in
all 301 federal ridings...continued
18 June, 2003
Orchard knows how power ticks
by Michael Stern
In business, as in politics and other walks of life, there are two kinds of power. There is the official clout that flows from your office or rank, and the greater power that comes from the respect and influence you wield as a person.
Power is really about strategy: understanding how much power you have in a given situation, and knowing when to use it...continued
16 June, 2003
Troublesome Tories
by Rick Salutin
I TRIED TO EXPERIENCE the recent Tory leadership convention with Dalton Camp, as it were, on my shoulder. Dalton, who died in 2002 at 81, embodied the history and conscience of the party, which created Canada and built many of its institutions. He ran endless campaigns, including the victories and defeats of John Diefenbaker, then engineered Dief's ouster, for the party's sake, knowing he'd never shake a rap for disloyalty. His was the party of Robert Stanfield and Joe Clark; it created what became the CBC in the 1930s and beat back free trade in 1911 -- though he also worked in Brian Mulroney's free-trade government of the 1980s. By then he was a superb journalist; he had given words so often to others that his own writing had the feel of a jailbreak. He had no use for the neo-cons who took over the Progressive Conservative party lately, nor they for him...continued
Toronto Star (Metro),
15 June, 2003
Davis scores one for Red Tories
by Linda McQuaig
I have long assumed that the unite-the-right movement was pretty much
finished in Canada - ever since its leading advocate and spiritual leader,
David Frum, took a high-level job in the Bush administration.
Some political movements would find it awkward, if not downright
embarrassing, to have their spiritual leader in the pay of a foreign
government. Not, apparently, the unite-the-righters, many of whom seem like
they'd be more at home in U.S. Republican circles- which helps explain why
they often appear to be ducks out of water here in Canada...continued
Globe and Mail,
June 12, 2003
NAFTA lets the gas out of Canada
by Eric Reguly
Free trade is back in the news and the news isn't all cheery for those who consider NAFTA Western civilization's crowning achievement. David Orchard distinguished himself at the Tory leadership convention with his unToryish stance, notably his call for a NAFTA review. Free trade doesn't mean protectionism, he said, referring to the punitive U.S. tariffs and duties on Canadian softwood lumber and wheat...continued
Winnipeg Free Press,
June 11, 2003
Orchard brings Tories back to roots
By Frances Russell
"A deal with the devil", fumed Calgary Alliance MP Jason Kenney. "Coalition with the socialists", declared Alliance leader Stephen Harper. And Tom d'Aquino, president of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, borrowed a phrase from the U.S. military hype for the Iraq War. "It's not shock and awe. It's shock and horror."...continued
Winnipeg Free Press,
June 11, 2003
What's the big deal about big deal?
By Rae Murphy
A perception that bedevils the federal Conservative party and the governing Ontario provincial party is the notion that "conservative" and "right-wing" are interchangeable political terms....continued
Toronto Star,
June 8, 2003
MacKay uncorks NAFTA genie
by Linda McQuaig
With cries of "betrayal" hounding new Conservative Party Leader Peter MacKay all last week, you'd think he had just agreed to review the party's stand against cannibalism.
Of course, MacKay is in trouble because he made a deal with rival David Orchard to review the party's position on free trade, to run candidates in all ridings and to make the environment a priority...continued
Toronto Star,
June 8, 2003
Orchard looks like real Tory winner
by Graham Fraser
OTTAWA-When David Orchard was a teenager, he had an experience that marked him for life.
"U.S. Air Force jets came suddenly screaming out of the Saskatchewan sky, right over our barn," he writes in his book The Fight for Canada: Four Centuries of Resistance to
American Expansionism.
"At barely treetop level they came so fast and so loud as to be from another planet, scattering the livestock in panic. For months they came without warning. Later I learned they were conducting exercises and were on their way to bomb farmers in Vietnam - farmers struggling to raise their crops and livestock just as we were."
That seed flowered into a persistent campaign that reached a peak last weekend, when Orchard used his power to anoint Peter MacKay as Tory leader...continued
Moncton Times and Transcript,
June 06, 2003
N.B. Senator Brokers Tory Pact
Noel Kinsella helped orchestrate controversial deal
which gave PC leadership to Peter MacKay.
By Campbell Morrison
OTTAWA. New Brunswick Progressive Conservative Senator Noel Kinsella brokered the controversial deal between Tory leadership candidates Peter MacKay and David Orchard that secured MacKay's victory.
He still has the folded piece of paper where his tiny handwritten notes marked the beginning of a four-part deal.
"It's just the job of an old Senator," he said in an interview in his office here yesterday, still looking disheveled after a weekend of deal-making...continued
Globe and Mail,
6 June, 2003
History is what happened this morning
by Rick Salutin
I am bemused by the journalistic apoplexy over the deal between Conservative Party leadership winner Peter MacKay and anti-free-trade maverick David Orchard at last weekend's convention. It's at a level up to which pundits rarely reach: "stupid . . . foolish . . . shortsighted . . . desperate" (Roy MacGregor); the new leader will "lose his own soul" (John Ibbitson); he "flushed" his principles down the toilet, along with his party's chances (Chantal Hébert); showing "cynicism and ineptitude" (Richard Gwyn). Everyone referred in some terms to a "Faustian bargain" or "deal with the devil" in the person of David Orchard. You won't have an easy time finding comparable shock and awe on topics such as war and terror...continued
Now Magazine,
5 June, 2003
A real party pooper:
Outsider David Orchard proves to be straw that breaks Alliance's back
by John Bacher
IF YOU SLEPT THROUGH THAT TELEVISED late-Saturday-night (May 31) moment during the federal Progressive Conservatives' leadership convention when red-green Tory
David Orchard threw his support to Nova Scotia MP Peter MacKay -- for a price -- you missed the official demise of American political ideology in Canada. It might as well have been the War of 1812. Canadians are finally repelling the Yanks, or more exactly their Republican party expression, and the proof is that the new Tory leader is honour-bound to forgo unity talks with the U.S.-centric Alliance party....continued
Calgary Herald editorial,
4 June, 2003
But Orchard is right about this -- it's time to do a review of Canada's free trade agreements with the United States....continued
Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal,
3 June, 2003
What's wrong with Orchard?
Some say the federal Tories are dead in the water now that Peter MacKay has won the leadership through a deal with party "maverick" David Orchard that had some delegates shouting "shame" and political opponents expressing glee.
But we're not at all sure this "gentleman's agreement" is a bad thing....continued
Citizen, May 18, 2003 Wooing the new Tory kingmaker
by Norma Greenaway
Once dismissed as a tourist in the federal Progressive
Conservative party, David Orchard has graduated to potential
kingmaker as he heads into the leadership convention in
Toronto May 31...continued
Read Elmer Laird's article on David, as taken from
the January/February 2003 edition of the WHOLifE Journal...
David Orchard - an organic farmer offers hope
for Canadians
Fifty-two-year-old David
Orchard is a long time certified organic farmer, writer,
author, environmentalist and social activist from Borden,
Saskatchewan. He has been an organic farmer for 27 years...continued
Vancouver Sun, April 29, 2003
Orchard candidacy provokes Tory nastiness
by Barbara Yaffe
Something is going on in a Conservative riding association on Vancouver
Island that doesn't pass the smell test. Predictably, that "something"
is connected to David Orchard's leadership campaign...continue
The Vancouver Sun,
April 19, 2003
Maverick has Tories all bent out of shape
by Barbara Yaffe
Progressive Conservatives have a long tradition of backstabbing
one another and are proudly continuing the practice in advance of
choosing a new leader. David Orchard, one of seven leadership candidates,
has traditional Tories breaking out in hives because he's showing
unexpectedly strong support in the run-up to voting day, June 1...continued
The Vancouver Courier, April 14,
Orchard planting seeds for run at Tory leadership
by Geoff Olson
An organic farmer from Saskatchewan is hoping to upset the Tories'
apple cart. David Orchard came in second in the 1998 race against
Joe Clark, and was famously fobbed off by the jowly one as a "tourist"
in the party. This January, Orchard announced his intent to take
another crack at the top, at the PCs' June leadership convention.
...On the face of it, Orchard's quest sounds as quixotic as Ted
Nugent running for the leadership of PETA, or Noam Chomsky signing
up with the Navy SEALs. But sometimes truth comes riding into history
on the back of error, as they say. Orchard is trying to steer the
old Tory nag back on to its previous, well-worn path...full
Halifax Sunday Herald, April 9, 2003
David Orchard and George W. Goliath
by Silver Donald Cameron
While the guns thunder in Iraq, small rancorous sounds perturb
the air in Canada - a contest for control of the fringe assembly
known as the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, once the
Alternative Governing Party. Oddly enough, the two facts are connected...continue
The Daily News, Halifax, March 31,
Not your typical Tory
He’s not my choice, but Orchard may just be what the party
by Sherri Aikenhead
While the rest of the world wrestles with the complexities of the
war in Iraq, a group of seven Tories are wandering across the country
trying to talk Canadians into joining the Progressive Conservative
The only threat to MacKay’s crowning seems to be an intelligent
and articulate organic farmer from Saskatchewan whose support continues
to grow...full
The Expositor, Brantford, March 29,
Local Tories back Orchard
by Susan Gamble
...While most traditional Tories support Peter MacKay, the vote
tipped overwhelmingly toward David Orchard, a Saskatchewan farmer
who's relatively unknown...full
The Montréal Gazette, Tuesday,
March 25, 2003
A different kind of conservative
It's hard not to like David Orchard. Anyone who can drop into a
Gazette editorial-board meeting and quote liberally from Edmund
Burke, Benjamin Disraeli and John Diefenbaker while reminiscing
about his days at a one-room school in rural Saskatchewan can't
be all bad. Indeed, the soft-spoken Prairie wheat farmer is as amiable
as a border collie and appears just about as threatening.
But he sure has a lot of his fellow Tories frightened...continue
Toronto Star, March 24, 2003
Tory candidates poles apart on call to arms
by Chantal Hébert
If the federal Tories had been in power last week,
Canada might have joined the United States and Britain in the war
on Iraq. But then again, it might not. That would have depended
on the identity of their leader. As the seven men who vie to replace
Joe Clark engaged in the second of the campaign's leadership debates
in Montreal yesterday, it was quickly apparent that on the defining
issue of the day the top contenders to lead the Progressive Conservative
party are poles apart.
Frontrunner Peter MacKay would have answered the call to arms of
the White House. As would Scott Brison, Jim Prentice and Craig Chandler,
the latter cheering all the way.
But David Orchard - who is running a solid second in the race for
delegates so far - would have kept Canada out of the fray...continue
New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal,
March 19, 2003
Tory leadership candidate strikes a chord with
by Janice Harvey , "A Civil Society"
Eight years ago this month I started writing this column for this
newspaper. Under the heading, 'A Civil Society,' I have tackled
a wide range of controversial issues, challenging the status quo,
mainstream thinking, and the exercise of power both locally and
globally. I don't know whether to be surprised or not, but last
week's column, "Only David Orchard can redeem the federal Conservative
party" elicited by far the greatest number of reader responses of
the 380 or so columns to which my e-mail address has been attached
over the years.
Obviously, I struck a nerve, as has David Orchard...continue
Ottawa Sun, March 16, 2003
Orchard shakes up PCs
Meteoric rise of anti-free trader's campaign has true-blue Tories
seeing red
by Kathleen Harris, Parliamentary Bureau
In the skeptical eyes of party faithful, he's the wolf in Tory
clothing who just won't go away. David Orchard, the intellectual
organic farmer from the Prairies, stubbornly insists he's a true
Canadian and loyal Progressive Conservative. But party insiders
claim his anti-free trade, pro-environment agenda puts him more
in line with the NDP and Green party.
Orchard's populist, pro-Canadian message is catching on across
the country -- and it's making true-blue Tories nervous. He's bagging
an eclectic mix of supporters, from disaffected Liberals and anti-globalization
protest-hippie types to celebrity icons and elite business leaders.
As Orchard's leadership campaign builds steam, money and big-name
support, rank-and-file Tories are publicly diplomatic, but privately
scrambling to stop it from snatching the prize... continue March 16, 2003
Does History Really Matter To Tories -
Or Is It Just A Game To Keep The Alliance Away?
by Clinton P. Desveaux
What I find most interesting is that the overwhelming majority
of federal Progressive Conservatives are not aware of their own
history or for whatever reasons have chosen to intentionally ignore
their own history.
One of Saskatchewan’s pioneer organic farmers, David Orchard has
successfully farmed chemical-free wheat for over twenty-five years
and he has chosen to throw his hat in the ring for the Progressive
Conservative leadership for the second time. Many of you will recall
that back in 1998 David Orchard finished second to former Prime
Minister Joe Clark and was even able to force Joe Clark to a second
ballot before eventually loosing the leadership to Clark.
If activists and party organizers wish to return the party to its
historical agrarian roots of economic intervention then the answer
is yes!... continue
The Globe and Mail, March 14, 2003
MacKay campaign launches stop-Orchard drive
by Brian Laghi and Campbell Clark
Ottawa — Tory MP Peter MacKay's leadership campaign has issued
a call to arms to hundreds of senior Progressive Conservatives to
stop left-leaning candidate David Orchard from winning the party's
top job. A memo, sent by Senator Consiglio Di Nino, Mr. MacKay's
campaign co-chairman, suggests that the campaigner against free
trade is not a Tory's Tory. It warns Conservatives they could suffer
the shock of seeing Mr. Orchard lead the party if they do not band
together behind Mr. MacKay...
New Brunswick Telegraph Journal,
March 12, 2003
Only Orchard can redeem the federal Conservative
by Janice Harvey
It isn't surprising to read that the Tory establishment is more
than a little nervous about David Orchard's leadership candidacy.
While New Brunswick MP John Herron glibly dismisses Mr. Orchard
as a party 'hitchhiker,' Mr. Orchard was runner-up to Joe Clark's
successful bid last time around. That means his message of Canadian
nationalism rings true with voters, and that means he could well
move up the middle between the other PC leadership hopefuls to clinch
the leadership...continue
Globe and Mail, March 11, 2003
Orchard a strong second in Tory contest
by Brian Laghi
OTTAWA -- Tory maverick David Orchard has startled his foes in
the race to replace Joe Clark by finding himself within striking
distance of front-runner Peter MacKay.
With the race just under way and 5 per cent of the delegates to
the May convention elected, Tory officials said yesterday that Mr.
Orchard, an activist against free trade and a controversial member
of the party, is running close behind Mr. MacKay...continue
Vancouver Sun, Tuesday, March 4,
Orchard adds colour to Tory leadership race
by Barbara Yaffe
Political leadership races are always a challenge for party unity.
That's because those vying for the top prize often dislike their
competitors but must pretend otherwise. And so, in the interests
of party solidarity, contenders are often seen shaking one another's
hands, laughing together and back slapping. In private they vent
truer feelings...
In the ongoing Conservative party race to replace Joe Clark, however,
dislike of one of the candidates has spilled out of the backrooms
and into the public domain. An active party member wishing to remain
nameless, on Feb. 28 filed a formal complaint with the Canada Customs
and Revenue Agency against leadership aspirant David Orchard...full
Nelson Daily News, March 4, 2003
Left, right and those lost in between might
like Orchard
by Jocelyn Carver
"David Orchard is confusing a lot of
journalists who cannot understand his brand of 'Crunchy Granola
Just when I thought Canadian politics could not possibly be more
soporific, two anarchist friends of mine pinched me into a political
awakening. You see, they have just become members of the Progressive
Conservative Party of Canada. I rubbed my eyes, bleary as they are
from endless news clips of blathering politicians. I could see my
friends were not joking. And though my right ear has been deafened
by thunderous calls for tax cuts and privatization, and my left
ear suffers from too much shrill criticism, I was able to discern
the reason for this very odd turn of events.
David Orchard, an organic farmer from Saskatchewan and a self-described
sovereigntist, is once again running for the leadership of the Progressive
Conservative Party of Canada...continue
Winnipeg Free Press, 21 February, 2003
Orchard Has PC Star Appeal
Frances Russell
His opponents in the race to replace Joe Clark as the leader of the federal Tories vacillate between pooh-poohing David Orchard as a crank and panicking at his possible popular appeal. But he has an illustrious political connection, star supporters his foes can only dream about and policies on Canada's future that polls indicate are more popular with Canadians than the positions of any of his adversaries...continue
New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal, 10
February, 2003
Grassroots hopeful is campaigning in town
David Orchard, who is taking a second run at the leadership of
the Progressive Conservative Party, is speaking at two Saint John
area high schools today and twice at UNB on Tuesday.
An organic grain farmer from Saskatchewan, he is also the author
of a best selling book, The Fight for Canada: Four Centuries
of Resistance to American Expansionism. A critic of the North
American Free Trade Agreement, Mr. Orchard is not against trade
but argues the current treaty sets the rules in favour of the Americans...continue
The Moncton Times and Transcript, 13
February, 2003
Tory Leadership Hopeful Would Revisit Free Trade
David Orchard says NAFTA has Canada in a ‘trade straitjacket,’
country would fare better under old rules of World Trade Organization
"We are a cold country," says federal Tory leadership hopeful David Orchard.
He'll get no argument from New Brunswickers, but the Saskatchewan farmer has good reason to state the obvious.
Orchard has visited the Maritimes on two previous high-profile occasions, first in 1988 as an outspoken, nation-crossing opponent of former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's North American Free Trade Agreement. Ten years later, and Mulroney safely excised from the public consciousness, he was runner-up to Joe Clark the last time the Conservative party had a leadership race.
This time Orchard hopes to replace Clark and one day lead the Canadian government.
But to hear him talk, Maritimers might wish he was Prime Minister today....continue
Winnipeg Free Press, February 7,
Tories tout exclusionary policy
Not what a major political party should be trying to do
by William Neville
Many years ago, as a youth with a somewhat unusual interest in
politics, I unexpectedly became a delegate to the Progressive Conservative
convention that ultimately chose John Diefenbaker as party leader.
I then lived in Edmonton but, at almost the last minute, a delegate
from the neighbouring rural constituency of Vegreville withdrew.
With so few living, breathing Tories in Alberta in those days, local
Conservatives were unable to find a replacement and I was recruited:
a classic instance of sending a boy to do a man's job...continue
Western Producer, January 30, 2003
Orchard only farmer in PC leadership race
by Barry Wilson. Ottawa bureau
When Saskatchewan organic farmer and anti-free trade campaigner
David Orchard joined the race for the Progressive Conservative party
leadership last week, he made the farm economy something of a poster
child for his platform.
The North American free trade deal is not working, he argued.
The persistent and regularly unsuccessful American attacks on the
Canadian Wheat Board are proof of that...continue
Regina Leader-Post, January 29, 2003
Orchard attracts unlikely support
by Barb Pacholik
A former head of the NDP youth wing in Saskatchewan and current
president of the New Green Alliance is joining the federal Tory
party after hearing a speech by leadership hopeful David Orchard.
Victor Lau not only paid his $10 to take out a membership in the
Conservative party, but left Tuesday’s speech at the Regina Inn
with a handful of forms to encourage his friends to do the same...continue
Vancouver Sun, Saturday, January 25, 2003
Maverick Orchard shakes up Tory race again
by Barbara Yaffe
There's a big black sheep in the little flock of candidates vying
to lead the Conservative party. His name is David Orchard, and he
stands out for several reasons.
First, he's definitely not your typical lawyer or politician fighting
for the top prize. He's an organic wheat farmer from Saskatchewan,
as keen to chat about the evils of genetically engineered foods
as taxation or debt reduction.
Second, Mr. Orchard, 53, defines his conservatism differently
than his fellow candidates...continue
The Edmonton Journal,
c. January 24, 2003
Attack on free trade has broad appeal
by Jim Farrell
A candidate for the leadership of the
federal Progressive Conservative party won the hearts of an eclectic
mix of young NDP-types, disaffected Liberals and grey-haired Conservatives
Monday evening by lambasting the North American Free Trade pact
and other Brian Mulroney initiatives.
"My brand of conservatism
puts the accent on 'conserve,' " David Orchard told an audience
of 100 people at the University of Alberta's Tory Theatre Monday.
"It's about improving the condition of the people and maintaining
the country. It's not about dismantling institutions that have served
Canadians for decades -- institutions like our health care system
and the military"...continue
La presse, 23 January 2003
A Strange Creature
by Vincent Marissal
Forget for a moment all your political benchmarks and try to imagine
a conservative who militates against the North-American Free Trade
Agreement and for the Kyoto protocol; who wants a strong Canadian
army, but who is opposed firmly to any intervention in Iraq; and
who is ready to sacrifice the federal budget surpluses in order
to invest massively in the public health network.
To divert you still a bit more, let's add that this strange political
creature is bilingual and that he comes from deep within Saskatchewan,
where he manages an organic farm. Lastly, this original character
rejects any right-wing alliances and has dreams of revitalizing,
alone, a party that many have already buried.
Here, ladies and gentlemen, is David Orchard...continue
The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday, January
22, 2003
Can an opponent of free trade save the federal
by Susan Riley
Finally, and fortunately, the official remnants of the once-dominant
Progressive Conservative party have a leadership candidate with
a compelling idea that will differentiate the party from the Liberals.
He also possesses dogged integrity, a rare tendency to answer questions
directly and an ability to communicate his vision forcefully in
English and passably in French...continue
National Post, Wednesday, January 22, 2003
Farmer and free-trade foe runs again
by Sheldon Alberts, Deputy Ottawa Bureau Chief
OTTAWA - David Orchard, the Saskatchewan organic
farmer and anti-free trade activist, announced yesterday he will
run for the Progressive Conservative party leadership amid charges
from an opponent that he is a special-interest candidate who has
no place in the party...continue
Take a look at the January 11, 2003 issue of
The Globe and Mail, Jane Taber's "Ottawa Notebook,"
and you'll find the following in the middle of her column:
Finally a campaign?
"...Nova Scotia Tory MP Scott Brison is expected
to declare his candidacy in the next two weeks. There are also reports
that Peter MacKay, another Nova Scotia MP, will make his intentions
known soon. But there is much fear within the party that David Orchard,
the Saskatchewan farmer and anti-free-trader, could take the prize.
Though he has not formally declared, Mr. Orchard is believed to
be the only one signing up new members. In 1998, it was Mr. Orchard
and Joe Clark on the final ballot."
WHOLifE Journal, January/February,
David Orchard - an organic farmer offers hope for Canadians
2003 Progressive Conservative Party of Canada leadership candidate
by Elmer Laird
Fifty-two-year-old David Orchard is a long time certified organic
farmer, writer, author, environmentalist and social activist from
Borden, Saskatchewan. He has been an organic farmer for 27 years...continue
The Globe and Mail, January 3, 2003
Desperately seeking a Tory leader
by Jeffrey Simpson
Jeffrey Simpson reflects on the search for Tory leadership
candidates as the May leadership convention approaches. He sees
David Orchard as a serious contender who marches to a different
drummer. Full article
The Globe received the following response to Jeffrey
Simpson's article:
The Globe and Mail, January 6, 2003
What's a Conservative?
by Ray Kingma
...view the letter
The Cambridge Reporter, December 27, 2002,
Guest column
Orchard proves green can go with Tory blue
by Matt Foster
I joined the federal PC party the other day. For those who have
read my past articles this will come as somewhat of a shock. So
why did I do this?
Well, I met David Orchard...continue
Victoria Times Colonist, December 13, 2002
Leadership Candidate for Tories Addresses Canadian
by Darren Stewart
David Orchard hopes his no-nonsense stance on Canadian sovereignty,
which he will outline in Victoria next week, will capture the support
of Progressive Conservative party members, and then the support
of Canadian voters...continue
Victoria News Group, December 12, 2002
Orchard Out to Revive Tories
by Don Descoteau
For three straight federal elections, the Progressive Conservative
party has been completely shut out by B.C. voters. David Orchard
wants to change that...continue
Brantford Expositor, December 11, 2002
Canada first, says PC who wants Clark's job
by Richard Beales
He wants Canada to scrap its free trade agreements with the United
States and Mexico. He's in favour the Kyoto accord, wants labelling
on all genetically modified foods and is against private funding
of political parties...continue
The Packet and Times (Orillia, Ontario), November
12, 2002
Hydro woes are talk of meeting
by Jim Purnell
Local News -- The sale of Ontario’s power lines and power
plants will be more shocking to consumers than the recent deregulation
of the electricity market. That’s the message delivered by
passionate opponents of the privatization of hydro, led by free
trade critic David Orchard...continue
The Toronto Globe and Mail (Toronto), October
26, 2002
The Lordless Tory forecast
by John Ibbitson
FREDERICTON -- Bernard Lord appeared positively serene. Having announced
earlier in the week that he was closing, locking and bolting the
door on running for the leadership of the federal Progressive Conservative
The Leader-Post (Regina) and Saskatoon Star-Phoenix,
August 7, 2002
Activist may run for leadership
by James Parker
Anti-free trade activist David Orchard may take a second run at
the leadership of the federal Progressive Conservative Party, a
turn of events which has some senior party members angry...continue
National Post, August 3, 2002
Federal Tory leadership Activist poised to win
leadership, MP warns Hazards of ousting Clark
by Bill Curry
OTTAWA -- Tories eager to topple Joe Clark at this month's leadership
review in Edmonton should be careful what they wish for, warns Scott
Brison, a Tory MP and Clark supporter, who says anti-globalization
advocate David Orchard could end up taking over the party if the
leader is ousted...continue
Toronto Sun, Friday, August 2, 2002
Tory brass suspect coup at convention
By Stephanie Rubec, Ottawa Brueau
OTTAWA -- High-ranking Tories are accusing leader Joe Clark of getting
into bed with a socialist nemesis they fear is orchestrating a coup
at the party's national convention this month. Tories working to
oust Clark fear David Orchard, an anti-free trade activist, is attempting
to take over the Conservative party and transform it into a socialist
The Sun articles moved Joe Hueglin, former PC
MP, PC party Ontario riding president and publisher of the Conservative/Communications/Net
Daily Digest, to publish the following comment the same day, August
2, 2002...continue
The Globe and Mail, July 5, 2002
Orchard to back Clark at Tory convention
By Brian Laghi, Ottawa
David Orchard, the free-trade critic and former federal Tory leadership
candidate, privately told Joe Clark that he'll support him next
month when the party rules on Mr. Clark's performance...continue
Winnipeg Free Press, May 23rd, 2002
What's left on the left?
by Anthony Hall
One of the most consistently reported stories in the coverage of
Canadian politics in recent years is the search for a movement and
a leader to "unite the right"...continue
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